Waschmittel Ablaufdatum?
Hallo mich würde mal interessieren ob es beim Waschmittel, Geschirrspülmittel & Co sowas wie ein Ablaufdatum oder Verbrauchsdatum gibt?
Was ist eure Meinung?!
Hallo mich würde mal interessieren ob es beim Waschmittel, Geschirrspülmittel & Co sowas wie ein Ablaufdatum oder Verbrauchsdatum gibt?
Was ist eure Meinung?!
Hallo, ich habe mir eine gebrauchte Babytrage gekauft von kokadi. Nun wurde mir geraten diese erst abzukochen. Wie genau macht man das? Auf dem Zettel steht, dass man sie nur per Handwäsche waschen sollte…
Wenn ich das Bett mache (neuer Bezug und Bettdecke)
hallo ich habe eine frage meine nike tech fleece jacke passt mir nicht so richtig also die ist locker ich wollte fragen ob ihr wisst wie ich die wasche könnte damit die besser am körper sitzt ohne das die an den armen kürzer wird oder unten
WM hat Wasser genommen , zu waschen begonnen .jetzt blinkt das Symbol schon eine Stunde , nicht tut sich
In the former apartment of my grandparents were detergents and detergents (storages), which were 20-25 years old. For a long time, unused since last use by my grandparents to rebuild to our apartment.
Most detergents and cleaning agents were usable.
A flushing agent, however, is very viscous and somewhat less soluble than normal, but in principle usable.
Individual other cleaning agents had separated into different phases, but could be reused by shaking, but one or two products were disposed of.
Softeners are often very viscous in significantly shorter periods of time, partly almost like pudding. If, in principle, it can still be used, but it is rinsed in considerably worse depending on the washing machine, it must be made more liquid with water and is ungrateable in use.
Washing agent can at least reduce the action force, since it contains enzymes which become ineffective over time, especially when temperature and humidity are suboptimal during storage. However, we are currently using a full detergent in this area, which must be from the beginning of the 90s, as we are doing more colourful than so much whitewashing there – this works without any obvious disadvantages.
Hi yes this with the softener I could already watch with a frog softener (no longer knows what variety, at least it was already quite rough at the time!) with my father watching that was really thick like that kind of wobble pudding!!! 🤣🤣
As far as I know, there are only food and some cosmetic products.
Found on the flea market a detergent that was about 20 years old. It was possible to wash dishes without problems, only the fragrances had disappeared. But as usual. My experience.
with this answer I have a reference with which I can start something!! 👍🏻😃
No, there isn’t.