Waschmaschine defekt bei selbstabholung wer zahlt?

  1. Guten Tag,

meine Freundin und ich haben vor 3 Wochen bei Media Markt eine Waschmaschine online bezahlt und beim Lager abgeholt.
ausgepackt und gesehen das eine Halterung von der Tür gebrochen ist. Die Beulen habe ich zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht gesehen leider.
am selben Abend haben wir Media Markt Bescheid gegeben und Bilder gesendet, diese haben und weiter geleitet zu lg.
Lg war heute da und kann die neue Tür nicht wieder einsetzten weil die Maschine so verzogen ist.
wieder bei Media Markt angerufen und diese sagen jetzt das keiner dafür aufkommt da wie die Maschine selbst abgeholt haben.
jetzt wäre meine Frage sind wir da jetzt wirklich am arsch oder muss jemand für den Schaden einspringen?

mit freundlichen Grüßen

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2 years ago

Hello, Maurice.

I don’t know what happened..

But what I can tell you is that the justification you have described through Media Market ” that no one comes up for it like the Machine itself picked up have been inadmissible!

Obviously, a repair attempt has been made.

You write:

Lg was here today and can’t use the new door again because the machine is so dislocated.

How did the fitter explain the condition of the machine on the ground?

You write:

…. unpacked and saw a holder broken from the door. I didn’t see the bumps at that time.

So the washing machine wasn’t in operation, was it?

This is important for damage regulation.

Experience has shown that bulging and disguised housings occur when the machine is put into operation without which the existing transport fuses (drums) have been removed properly.

Corresponding instructions in the operating instructions are often overlooked.

Whether the machine has run, or not, can be easily detected.

The fact that the washing machine cannot have been so moved on the transport path without which the outer packaging has been correspondingly damaged should also be clear.

What is not really comprehensible to me is:

The pictures show clear traces of wear (great plastic/sealing).

Even if the machine could pass the final control with defective door hinges, these traces cannot be explained honestly.

Long speech, short sense. If the media market refuses to regulate damage, you should draw an expert who determines the cause of damage.

Good luck!

2 years ago


Turn to consumer protection

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Let me guess, you probably transported the washing machine lying and the damage occurred? I can’t imagine why the MediaMarkt doesn’t come up with this…

2 years ago
Reply to  MOFSV

Can you transport a washing machine in the car?

Don’t be. TheWashing machinewithCar transportwill,canthe problem is that it just fits in the car. Washing machine manufacturers, however, advise to bring the device to the horizontal.

Sorry, if you have problems with a factual answer, you could basically give up such a question…