Wäsche stinkt nach dem Waschen?

Moin zusammen

ich habe das Problem, dass bestimmte Teile meiner Wäsche nach dem waschen extrem muffig riechen ..

Ich habe bereits die Dichtungen der Waschmaschine sauber gemacht

drei verschiedene Sorten Waschmittel getestet (2x Flüssig, 1x Pulver – alles über das Waschmittel Fach hinzu gegeben und nach Hersteller Empfehlung für den Härtegrad in meiner Gegend und nach mittlerer Verschmutzung)

die Maschine 2x in einer Woche auf dem heißesten Programm durch laufen lassen (1x mit Spülmaschinen Tab, 1x mit richtigen Maschinenreiniger)

Hygiene Reiniger zum waschen dazu genommen

ich wasche immer auf dem Programm “Eco 40-60 Grad”

Trotz alle dem riechen ein paar Teile immer noch komisch .. Betonung auf “ein paar Teile”

T Shirts sind meist kein Problem.. Was am meisten stinkt, sind Hosen und die dickeren Stoffschichten bei Hoodies, sprich die Kapuzen und die Bunde und die fangen auch erst an zu riechen, wenn die Wäsche anfängt zu trocken .. nach 2-3h auf dem Wäscheständer fängt das an..

Die Wäsche trocknet meist im Schlafzimmer vor dem offenen Fenster und braucht in der Regel 1,5 Tage..

Meine Maschine ist eine Beko, 6 Monate alt

Hat jemand einen Tipp für mich, was ich noch ausprobieren kann?


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2 years ago

We had the problem too. And at cheap black T-shirts.

Since I was wearing expensive eco-T-shirts, the problem has been solved.

At least with us it must have been on color or on low quality cotton.

2 years ago
Reply to  XouBiann

OK, other idea: Have you cleaned the foreign body trap (“flow sieve”) and left the water out of the “sump” of the machine with the drain hose? This can also begin to muff.

1 year ago

Hello. First of all to Eco..😬 Programs unfortunately are not as good as guessed as they do not wash at the real temperature as written.🚰 60 degree is from 50 etc. And you’re doing a lot right. The problem with the thick collar jeans👖🧣🧥 etc. I know. I’ll throw the thick pieces every 2 times on 1400 rpm. Shake up. If you like to dry 3man in the dryer for 20 minutes”g. G. K.

2 years ago

Have you ever tried to increase the speed when spinning?

Your parents didn’t have the problem. It may be good that they have more spins than you have set it up.

What helped us: Full detergent Powder.

It was mainly dark parts that smelled unpleasant. Mostly only those of my friend.

I washed them all a few washes with a full detergent. Then the smell was gone.

2 years ago

Have you tried these 3 in 1 wash pads? They are placed directly in the drum for washing. I think the laundry smells much better.

2 years ago
Reply to  XouBiann

where you buy your laundry, maybe there’s a portion of Formadehyd in it, which smells corrosive and muffy and once you smell the smell, you’ll see it again and again.

But honestly, what use is when you clean the washing machine only on the door, with rubber seal, laundry compartment and inside in the machine sits slip, skin flakes, lime and detergent down, then you can clean ten times seals, the smell from inside still does not go away.

Never close the door behind, I often don’t understand that a washing machine can smell muffy at all.

even if many do not believe liquid detergent can also swallow inside. The manufacturers sell it, but Monteure are not thrilled if they want to repair it.

It’s wrong to consider that there are actually only 3 washing machine powders – manufacturers and how many detergents are in the store?

2 years ago
Reply to  XouBiann

You can try. I probably wouldn’t do it. The problem is probably also that the pants dry too long

2 years ago

I’d let the washing machine run without anything at 90 degrees.

Then remove the filter and remove the dirt. Also where the screen comes in with clean bottle brush.