Wäsche riecht seit längerer Zeit deutlich schlechter?
Frage steht ja soweit im Titel. Zu meinen Waschgewohnheiten:
Ich wasche vor allem Unterwäsche und Handtücher auf 60Grad mit Weichspüler. Meine Waschmaschine habe ich regelmäßig gereinigt (Natron, Spezialreiniger, etc.). Beim Aufhängen habe ich bereits mehrere Orte ausprobiert. Waschmittel dosiere ich nach Anleitung und habe da auch schon ein wenig nach oben und unten angepasst. Abpumpen tut sie eigentlich auch ganz gut und das Flusensieb war auch leer/sauber. Nur manchmal hat sie den Waschgang vorzeitig pausiert, dass ich es manuel fortsetzen musste. Zusätzliches Spülen habe ich auch schon ausprobiert. Überladen habe ich sie auch nicht. Wichtig ist, dass es vorher funktioniert hat und irgendwann dann nicht mehr, obwohl sich eigentlich nichts geändert hat. Fehlermeldungen habe keine.
Meine Waschmaschine ist die Haier HW100-BP14636N.
Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand weiterhelfen,
it’s not on the softener. I’ve been using it for decades.
60° are too little in duration. You have to take 90 degrees. If you don’t have a chef’s laundry, let it go without it.
If your washing machine already smells, it can even be that even 90° no longer distribute the smell.
I had a Samsung that had a special program for cleaning and after 25 washes always reminded me to use it so that the machine does not get ground.
I always take a machine cleaner for cleaning
https://www.stern.de/vergleich/washing machine cleaner/
That’s right. Washer cleaner I meant with special cleaner. I made this in combination with a hygiene wash to 90 degrees. I also made other washes to 90 degrees, but then it was with soda and vinegar. Rubber seals etc. also made clean, to which the machine is not as old, about 1 year. I don’t think it’s the maintenance of the machine.
Thank you for your answer:)
Try to leave the dishwasher away and use natural agents such as vinegar or soda as a soft rinser.
Thanks for the answer :). I’ve been washed more often without, and I always get a little bit of what I wash. But even the softener does not cover some odours and completely blurred. Natron I often fill the machine with the normal washing powder.
Right. Let the softener go. It’ll take a little while to get your laundry free. That’s my tip. Like I said, some vinegar in the dishwasher compartment and after a few weeks you notice improvement.
Maybe the washing machine doesn’t wash warm anymore?
Simply grab the glass door every 20 minutes during washing and see if it is warm.
Maybe about the softener?
This contains beef tallow and begins to muffle with time!
Beef fat in the softener: Animal ingredients provide fluffy and fragrant clothing (rtl.de)
Could be, but that would be almost a one-time phenomenon with me, wouldn’t it? There are a lot of washers and I don’t always wash it.
Was just a guess – but I still have a little tip –
when the laundry is muffled: Dr. Beckmann’s odour remover!
That sounds really good if you want to believe the reviews. Having tried hygienic dishwashers myself, I believe in principle the same, but I think I will give this manufacturer another chance.
Maybe it has something to do with lime.
Ask a specialist or a service if you can look at this.
L.G. Stella
Thanks for the quick answer. I have actually already asked and get the days an appointment (hopefully), but actually I can’t imagine that the machine has a mistake, just because it is so young, just became a year old.
Still. Let’s see what’s going on.
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