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Neither raccoons nor squirrels are dangerous egg thieves. They’re gonna clean up a nest. But they do not put it on it. They do not specialize in plundering nests and thus they do not endanger the existence of the affected birds. Researchers have found that in most cases the birds start a second breeding.
Seven-sleepers operate on a bird’s nest just like squirrels. As garden sleepers belong to the all-eaters, I assume that they also serve the nests.
Here with me, the raccoon stand is so high that some bird species are really threatened, especially bird species that have only a short life expectancy, such as the green spice (3 years), have become rare anyway or only start with the brood late in the year.
Are you living in Kassel? Here in McPomm there are very few raccoons and the stock is stable. They have seamlessly inserted into nature here.
Thanks for the map but Bielefeld is in NRW, near Herford and not in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. “Kennzeichen” by Bielefeld are Dr. Oetker and those of Boddelschwingschen Stiftungen/Bethel.
Look here’s a map.
I live in the area of Bielefeld, especially outside the city such as the Steinhorster Becken, they are a real plague.
Look, squirrels steal an egg, but dangerous egg thieves are far away.
Wash bears and squirrels were just one example, I just want to know if you’re seven-sleepers and garden sleepers are also egg thieves! Washing bears are currently a real plage that climb regularly on tree trunks high and long with the paw in nest boxes pure, as only one barbed wire cuff helps to make under and above the nest box or hang the nest box into a pinned shrub.
Wash bears are a problem because they simply do not belong here and do not have natural enemies, which one has settled here because we have hardly any regulating predators and now they spread out
What you’re saying is hairy! But forget the raccoon. My question is about the seven-sleepers and the garden sleepers.
Siebenschläfer are rodents that take a diverse range of food in autumn to eat the winter pasture: from nuts and seedlings to buds, bark, fruits, mushrooms, insects and even bird eggs – Seven sleepers eat (with seasonal preferences) pretty much everything that comes between their fingers.
LG Sonja
The garden sleeper eats eggs, that I can unfortunately confirm from my own experience. Once upon a taste, they ate me some chicken eggs. But I can’t say how they plunder wild bird nests.