Was zum abendessen essen?

Heite gabs oder wirds folgendes geben

morgen: nutellabrot und kaffe

mittag: salat mit avocado, hähnchen und tomaten an olivenöl-senf dressing und eine pfirsich

snack: kuchen und kaffe

nun zum abendessen

  1. pasta mit tomatensauce und käse
  2. haferflocken mit milch und eine banane
  3. pasta mit tomatensauce und käse, nach training um 10.00 uhr noch ein bananenshake (milch und 1 banane pürriert)
(1 votes)

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10 months ago

To eat a banana in the evening, I think I’m wasted. I always eat fruit for breakfast as it contains a lot of fiber.

At noon more egg-rich food and at night a bit light like fish, tomato sauce, supplements of course also, sweet or just sweet.

10 months ago
Reply to  MrsssP

was my fault, wanted to choose op 1, sry

10 months ago

Nothing, since all animal quality or animal exploitation includes. Everywhere milk is processed or unprocessed inside. Be aware of what that means:

10 months ago
Reply to  Bodhgaya

That answers what their question is?

10 months ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

Her question was what she should eat of the three things & I meant to her that she shouldn’t eat anything of it. How do you see no answer to this question? I even explained my answer.

10 months ago

I don’t know what you’re looking for and what you’d rather like. Where so oat flakes and so n shake are not bad for training then:)

10 months ago

Banane is actually ned unwise after some sport, or generally is good for balanced serotonin levels, but a two are completely sufficient.

10 months ago

It has the least unnecessary sugar. The noodles are not optimal, but reasonable.

You eat too much sweet.