Was zieht man im Wald an so?
Also ich gehe jede Woche mit mein Eltern und Freunden von mein Eltern spazieren im Wald so 2 Stunden und jedesmal meckern die rum wegen mein Outfit, nur weil ich sneakers und Jeans und eine normale Jacke trage. Deswegen mal eine Frage an euch was zieht man im Wald an?
fig leaf is completely enough😁…nein,sorry…I think only the forest doesn’t matter and it has something to do with recreation and enjoying😘.Beides is only really possible if you feel comfortable…so should You wear what makes you feel and reflects your personality
Jeans sind doch wenn es nicht gerade dolle regnet doch ganz angemessen. und eine “Normale” Jacke ist doch bei den Temperaturen auch nicht verkehrt.
was die Sneakers angeht. nun, optimal geht anders, ein paar stabile wanderschuhe wären schon angebracht, aber auch das geht.
The forest is not a runway, so fashionable outfit unnecessary and probably just as inappropriate.
Robust and weatherproof outdoor or Hiking clothes would be advantageous.
Perfect outfit for the forest if it doesn’t rain, otherwise other shoes.
Das hängt echt von der Jahreszeit ab. Eigentlich trage ich im Wald alles mögliche an Kleidung, wie sonst auch.
pullover, Jeans 😅
I would adapt it to the current weather and weather of the last few days. For example, if it has sprinkled strongly 2 days ago, it is moist in the forest, here and there mushy, slippery through the damp leaves and pine needles on the ground.
I would wear bright things, above all the best a signal color. So you’ll see “if what is”.
Long pants. Shoes you can easily clean (no fabric or leather).
Und was da so tragen zum bsp
Well, shoes where it’s not bad when they get scratches and shit. Shoes that can be cleaned later with wet flaps and a nail brush.
Long pants. Even if you (probably) do not slip across the scrub, but stay on the forest roads, it is more practical (in cold weather anyway, in warm weather, but also – because it is shady in the forest and thus colder.
Jacket if you like (depending on weather conditions). In winter gloves. A signal color on the jacket is favorable “if what happens, then you will be seen more easily). If you wear a cap (Beanie, whatever) the same applies.
Usually you should wear what you want and what you feel comfortable with. But as it goes into the forest and it could rain and is mushy, it would be better to wear solid, waterproof shoes, weatherproof clothing (e.g. outdoor jacket) and comfortable trousers such as trekking pants or sturdy jeans.
Question: What are your parents/friends doing?
For me it is the ideal outfit for a forest walk. If you were walking correctly, I would change the sneakers against hiking shoes.
Ja Regenjacke Gummistiefel aber da bin ich raus
what you want and how you feel comfortable.
Good shoes and safe clothes rain jacket etc. for ticks and insects.
Ja was ist sichere Kleidung aber?
Schau mal im Internet nach.
Got this one most since I’m on mountain bike in the forest
Was such immer bequem ist.