Was würdt ihr im Schwimmbad tragen?
Jetzt eine Frage
Wir beide gehen haben uns zum Schwimmen verabredet und treffen uns vor dem Schwimmbad.
Da fällt dir ein das du deine Badehose vergessen hast und es zu spät ist noch mal nach hause zu laufen. Mir fällt ein das ich für solche Fälle immer noch was dabei habe.
Würdest du im Schwimmbad, als Ersatz für deine Badehose, einen Mädchenbikini oder einen Mädchenbadeanzug tragen?
It depends on the cut of the bikini. so narrow asses or and which to bind laterally could not cover everything essential.
No, I would like to thank you in this case and see if there is not the possibility to buy a swimwear in the swimming pool itself.
In our swimming pool there are bathing items to buy in the entrance area. The way back and forth would not be worth my time
If I’d never wear, I’m not a woman. Many swimming pools where I was had a shop where you can buy a swimwear. Or you go to the city and buy something if it goes faster than drive home.
In any case, ENGE swimwear
Please, no badeshorts.
Or rent baths.
Everything else ( #mement ) makes no sense….
Bikini or swimsuit.
Go both.
Already made
No, I’d go back, get my swimwear, and I’m gonna tell him I’m late.
often the 120 minutes
We have swimwear to rent.
No, no, no, no, no.
bikini but panties as bikini skirt and yes top that is pasty
If you’re full-year. Let’s go to the lake. There’s no bathing.
Evtl the bikini pants👙😂
or without