Was würdet ihr wählen wenn ihr könntet. Ein reiches langes Leben oder eine Kampfsau in der Armee?
Hi ich wollte Fragen was euch in eurem Leben etwas bedeutet. Das heisst wenn ihr an einem Tisch sitzt und euch zwei Akten vorgelegen werden. Eine ist ein schönes reiches Leben mit teuren Sachen und einer grossen hübschen Villa. Einfach ein Traumleben! Und die andere Akte bedeutet in die Armee zu gehen auf viele Dinge zu verzichten aber auch eine Kameradschaft zu haben die ein lebenlang anhält. Was ist euch wichtiger? Der Lebensweg von dem alle träumen oder eine ewige Kameradschaft die unbezahlbar ist?
Was wäre eure Entscheidung?
You mean the eternal comrade holding up to the next FPV drone or the next artillery fire?
I’ll take the money case.
I understand your attitude and go on!
Comradeship is not as noble as you imagine it here that you understand it in Example 1 without having been in use: you understand with your companions you laugh together and fight you since together on the exercise place and nimand has so right Bock you help each other but only because that is so. With inserting: you go together through hell you share vomiting and was on the side many others have died and the surviving are hard traumatized you want to meet with your companions to talk about the happening one part does not come because they just want to forget it and with the rest you talk at the end of the day is your perception and all the other so blunt that you have no empathy anymore and you are hard depressing
You know… that’s really the way. I can imagine that this is absolutely hell. But I come from a Swiss military family. Everyone really went to the army in my relationship. It fascinated me most, but I was only laughed and beaten. When I was 13 years old, I had to go to boarding school not because of violence but learning weaknesses and recurring ADHD. I was at this school for three years. I was one of ten who made his bed but really perfect. For example, I liked the military as a small boy and adolescents to suffer extremely well. When I was 18 I didn’t feel good health. I was sick and was afraid to die of this disease. They examined everything for heart and kidneys, but the doctors found nothing. I wanted so much to the military that was my only thing I had pleasure in. Today I am 27 years old and unfortunately already above the age limit. Yes life sometimes plays a bitter game with oneself and another. Whether you deserve it reflects the deeds or personality. I’m on the ground today and I almost don’t want to live anymore because of the army. That would have been my last wish to go to the Swiss army once.
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