Was würdet ihr tun, wenn ihr mal ne Essstörung hattet und euch seit ner Weisheitszahnop nochmal vermehrt Gedanken übers Essen macht?

konnte da ja auch länger nur wenig essen

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1 year ago

I’ll fight right back.

The “has” implies that I have successfully fought against it once and that the anxiety disorder was overcome or largely under control. What I learned during this time (that my self-image is absolutely wrong, that the disease talks to me and I know that it is not true that it is counterproductive to count calories etc.), I would use it directly again.

And as soon as I notice that I slip back into an eating disorder, just because I couldn’t eat so much for a while, then I’d get back the support that helped me for the first time, if I don’t get it alone.