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1 month ago
  1. Learn to research yourself quickly. Nobody laughs when you sit alone on your smartphone or computer and you need some attempts until halfway what you are looking for. But:
  2. In order to be able to research reasonably, it is necessary to know how certain things are called because rewritings often do not work well. You learn something like that at school. On the other hand, you should keep your eyes and ears open in everyday life. Leaves e.g. if there is a magazine/magazine somewhere, even if you don’t care about the topic and try to find out what terms you don’t know yet. Similar on the Internet. However, because of the algorithms, it is more difficult to find something from outside your own bubble.
  3. You can also do what “only” with a vocational training (without studying). I say as an engineer who had applied for an education that was barely received at the time, but then is from school to school. On the other hand, one should try to achieve such a high degree of education as it can without tormenting oneself in the long term. With me, mostly math was hard at the 11th c. But then it got better. Even with an aborted upper level, you still have better chances than “only” with medium maturity. You can try to get an education in parallel after the Middle Ages and also apply for secondary schools (at least to the High School as well as vocational college (FH maturity) as Plan B) if the desired variant does not work.
  4. Hate has many faces. Flat-rate prejudices against foreigners (a very coarsely divided group) should be clearly known as evil. But today too often there are also general prejudices, e.g. against men (also a very coarsely divided group). See e.g. And always look at whether the demands of the people who call themselves “the good” are also really good. See e.g. or evil submissions. People who are just so gendered that this problem does not occur (e.g. teacher = all, teachers only male. Teachers are only teachers). For example, it is necessary to wonder whether other people of the same coarsely divided group are the problem, whether not e.g. those who often express themselves very negatively also those things as they are accused of other groups (women cannot or cannot do so e.g. in football, you have to ask how much % of women’s football cuckoos and how much % of men’s football, which is heavily correlated with players’ merits).


1 month ago

Stop making you crazy about every little thing. Learn to appreciate what you have and set goals you can achieve.

The happiest people in the world are not the superstars who envy so many of you, but “simple people” who do not have to go home with their “luck”.

Confidence and Contents you can learn. The sooner, the better…

1 month ago

Consider a profession or Become a fun and fulfillment. Only if your future profession is fun, you are good in this profession, you have successes and keep coming in your life. If you don’t have fun in your profession, it’ll ruin your head for a long time, no matter whether it deserves a lot of money or not.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be Abi and studies, with a good mid-life degree you’re getting damn far today. You don’t just have to find a job, but your calling. You will notice that it is much easier to work with people who like them. The success comes from all alone.

Never let your ways take away and fulfill your own dreams. You don’t have to fulfill your parents’ dreams, which have not reached them.

And be one consciousness to you: courage and diligence is still rewarded sooner or later. Be polite and walk through the world with open eyes. Sometimes, spontaneously new possibilities arise which were not even aware of you before.

1 month ago

Take the school seriously!
There are few years who decide on your whole life and after school you will regret not to have gone through and have given your best!
At the latest with 25 you would like to make a better conclusion but that costs money and much more nerve than if you use your school time well! GEBT EU BEST

1 month ago

Learn from history how important and sensitive democracy is.

1 month ago

Leave school as soon as possible and continue where you stopped before school.

Greeting Matti

1 month ago
Reply to  Thriller1738

Whoever was in kindergarten continues, yes. The term is not the place or the level, but the freedom that prevailed before school during learning.

The school is a Teachingand no place of Learning.

1 month ago

I knew that.

I thought so. But dialogues without body language can be misunderstood.

1 month ago

Be nice to each other!