Was würdet ihr sagen ist der asozialste Stadtteil in Köln?

Ich fahre bald nach Köln, eine freundin und ich machen einen Kurztrip allerdings wollten wir wissen wo wir besser nicht hingehen sollten, oder welche orte asozial sind.

Danke schonmal 😀

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2 years ago
2 years ago
Reply to  KuroHotaru

What is now, for example, at the Rheinufer, the Venloer Straße or the rings asocial? And why don’t you call the party miles Zülpicher Strasse and Brussels Square?

2 years ago
Reply to  KuroHotaru

Have you ever been to Cologne?

High tariff ringbetween Friesen and Rudolfplatz

What are you doing at a party mile with many restaurants and clubs?

Horny road

There were Bodelle who are now closed. But even if they were still open, nothing would be a social thing on these streets.

2 years ago

Ah, okay, the 2014 police view. Seems to be a little meaningful for visits during the day. I would then rather avoid certain areas on the new market or Ebertplatz with their drug scenes.

2 years ago

Is there also social city haste in Cologne?

2 years ago

The banking district

And of course IM Dom.

2 years ago

What do you understand under ‘asocial’? You can go anywhere. What are you doing? Generally to see the city, or go along the Rhine? Or stay outside in a park?