Was würdet ihr sagen?
Wir sind in der Klasse 33 Mädchen und ich habe beim Wichteln natürlich meinen Lehrer gezogen🥹 Nichts für ungut, das ist ja nicht schlimm, aber Geschenke für ein gleichaltriges Mädchen zu finden wäre einfacher
Habt ihr Ideen was ich ihm schenken kann?
25 euros is a lot for a whistle gift.
But then give him a funny teacher cup.
In the case of a Member State, a Member State or a Member State is required to ensure that the Member State concerned does not comply with the requirements of this Regulation.
Or just google teacher cup. There comes a lot.
A tie with funny motive.
A tie whose pattern/ motive reflects his main compartment (in the case of your teacher it would be as music notes, or perhaps a keyboard, a bunch of depicted musical instruments….)
Via Amazon, you’ll be there for sure.
Or if he plays drums, look at drumsticks in the musical instrument trade (let you advise, not that you buy any scrap directly).
My first thought was just,
a Mandala book to paint
it relaxes and distracts from annoying students, you know?
If you want to score, something where your whole class is signing.
He thinks he’s really great.
a laser pointer.
Since when did teachers take part in the wrecking?
You should know that as pupils =
https://www.lehrer-finanzportal.de/blog/zuwende-fur-lehrerinnen-und-lehrer-these schemes-