What would you study with the cut?
What would you study with an Abitur average of 1.0 to 1.3?
And what would you study with a high school average of 0.68 to 1.0?
Context: I'm aiming for one of the above courses and would like to get some inspiration. I know I have to do what I enjoy, but I'd still like to hear what you'd like to study or perhaps have already studied.
Do what you feel most comfortable. It doesn’t have to be a study.
You need to know if you’re studying anything, then you need to learn this subject for 4-7 years. You’ve got to hit every weekend and hit it. It also costs boiled coal. If you choose the wrong subject, more than a 1000’s are going on.
Do what you’ve got. It doesn’t have to be an NC store. It doesn’t have to be studied either. It can be a training. Imagine yourself well and go to abdomen.
After my Abi, I decided to train as a chemical laboratory technician, although I received an offer from Munich and Hamburg on the subject of economic informatics.
My best friend was even a year-old and chose some NC study subject. He has absolutely overwhelmed and reconsidered to stop studying and what else. I told him he didn’t have to study. He landed in a downward spiral.
Yes, there you have to weigh and look:)
I still think I want to study and look. There are many interesting professions!
This with your friend in his downward spiral is of course shit. But unfortunately some
As I said, if you want to study, you really need to be honest with yourself and ask questions.
Am I ready for this subject to give everything?
If this subject is my future, would I like to make my future?
Can I get a good job that’s fun for me?
For example, if you’re fire in flame for the judge job, you’re supposed to study law. But if you just say I want to study law because I got the offer and don’t make any plans for the future, don’t study it.
Very important is always to make a plan.
I also recommend you to go multi-track. Make applications for various training places or dual courses. So you open all options and you can cancel everything in the end.
It would suck if you realized that you’d rather do something else, but unfortunately you’re too late to take something.
I hope I could help you. That was my approach, too, when I realized my Abi this year.
Yeah, you helped me a lot! Thank you.
Totally depends on what your interests are, where you want to go professionally and for example also your intended working hours, environment and salary. For the job then, of course, you should put your result in relation to the effort until then. Although it seems interesting thematically, I would not be willing to afford the required 80-100h/week for investment banking. The same applies to strategy consulting, but everyone must know for themselves.
I personally chose BWL (but I had a far worse cut, which would not have influenced the decision) and directed myself towards Finance.
You can ask the question in other forums such as e fellows or, above all, the wiwi Treff, you will get much better answers to these than here.
Thanks for the answer!
BWL is definitely out for me Haha. Even if I may look towards management.
Thanks for suggesting other platforms!
I would like to study hergendwann Jura and also do it with a super good cut.
For top universities you also need a good cut
I wanted to study law and I started it.
I think so. But for the university where I might want to study, you also need a super good NC 😩
I’m really glad there’s no university in Austria.
My parents are stretching this out and we’ll see if I pay it off. But at least 50% sponsors them to me. Then we will see how much they add or how much I have to pay to them
Do you mean the tuition fee?
And how do you do this with the cost of studying,
I think it takes six years. I have no colour, but there is definitely one integrated
Does the study in Germany last longer? Thought it would not be possible to study abroad because the right is different in every country.
I also like the concept at university, because there is only 5 years of study and one is a trimester (!) abroad
I’m not really interested in top universities. I go to university where I like the concept and not to a university just because it is supposed to be the best.
I think I’m among the best universities in Germany
Never heard of it
Yes haha
I don’t know if you know them. But I want to go to Bucerius Law School
Do not depend on your cut, but on your interests. After all, you have to be happy with the study and the job that stands there. And the doctor’s profession is increasingly losing appeal…
I would study psychotherapy again with these cuts. If I really had Bock, maybe I’d stick a master in clinical neuroscience to the Charite if I wanted to go into research… but I don’t want to
I have already thought about psychotherapy 🙂
What exactly is the Master in Neuroscience?
there are several of them. I was thinking of an interdisciplinary Master of Charite in berlin. The research on MS and Alzheimer’s etc and you learn interdisciplinary skills as well as for example laboratory technology and something…
Yes, the Nc Haha
I have to look
Generally, I would probably go to research. So on the one hand, if I would study psychology or if I would also study mathematics and/or physics, for example.
but the NC is very high and you already need a degree in another compartment. But if you learn this easily from the hand and the interest is there…why not? I have also professors who have studied biomedicine/psychology or psychology and medicine and research in the field of behavioral genetics and psychoimmunology and psycoendocrinology….also these are very exciting subjects and the research seems to be very exciting to me. And if you combine cleverly, of course you also raise your unique value
here the link to the study programme
International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences – International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences (charite.de)
That sounds really cool!
What interests you. A fellow student who was really super talented and almost understood everything immediately (a big difference to many others in my vintage who had similar grades) studied journalism. She wanted to do that for many years. I wouldn’t make the study depend on the cut, provided you could study the subject.
I wouldn’t do that either. But I wanted to look like this:)
But, of course, I would decide how it makes me the most fun
I guess I won’t be a big inspiration for you. Even if I were to create such a cut, I would stay studying never.
What did you do as a training or something?
Professional packer.
I haven’t finished school yet. I’m just going to the eleventh grade and making the Abitur just because my parents don’t accept anything else.
Oh… I’m also in the 11
With the editing you can literally write into each course of study. It’s always good to have a wide range of study options, but your dream job should show you the training path. I mean, I’m sorry, I know those students who started something interesting and can’t start anything with it. This is just as fatal as writing into a strict NC study, just because one meets the requirement.
I started teaching because I like to work with people and want to be a support on their way of life; i.e. also with a cut of 0.68 I would have opted for apprenticeship (NC ~ 2,7).
Oh! Yeah, that’s right! You should always do what is fun
Not only fun, but what leads you to the destination 🤷. I would probably have enjoyed cultures of the Mediterranean area, but you will not be a teacher.
That’s right! Therefore, I would rather say first in research and if that is no longer so fulfilling, e.g. in school
Right. It must be clear to you that research always means: doctoral studies are required, and then you sit for many years on fixed-term positions in academic middle-sized enterprises to apply for one of very few professures.
And you would have alternatives. For me, there is still a selection of physics studies. This can also teach (like mien LK teachers) physics and mathematics, but theoretically also go into research or into the economy and if I don’t like it, theoretically one of the other possibilities would also go.
Yess! Although it is associated with extra effort, if you burn for it, it is definitely worth 🤝
That’s true! Nevertheless, fun also plays a role, because it combines motivation. In addition, many paths lead to the finish. You can also study maths and become teachers or study medicine and become a bioteacher. There is a lot and this is a positive aspect of the current time
No matter what you choose: You will have to do it for 40 years. Therefore, in my eyes, it is bullshit to let the NC decide on my entire career.
That’s right! Even though I hope I don’t have to work for 40 years haha (after a long study)
but look
0.68 to 1.0
Medicine or Pharmacy evtl Jura.
With 1.3 also medicine or apprenticeship.
With 1.3 more medicine?!
Medical test
Whether my Abi is enough I will see the test I will do in any case
That’s right
a friend of my sister has made 100% of it and has come to university for that reason. Had an Abi of 1.3
I think.
More than I can’t get
that is difficult
I don’t want to study medicine.
Would like to make such a test and know how to cut off.
You have to do the test, too. If you want to study at a bad university, multi-light 85% of a good you already need 92% and for the best you need at least 99%
I’m studying what I want to study.
To make this dependent on the abitur cut is in my eyes, forgive me the expression, brainless and antisocial.
A study is not a walk for most people. You really have to be there and be interested in it. Someone who wants to study medicine and, if necessary, has no SO perfect cut, but then fights for studying has better chances to get through, to keep it through and ultimately to be successful in the profession than someone who arrives with ‘Oh yes… I have 1.0… then I’m studying medicine’ and then eventually breaks off.
Such people only take away the places of study.
Apart from the fact that such restrictions on admission only express that the university has certain capacities. To teach mathematics, you just need a lecture hall where you can squeeze as many students as you like.
Computer science doesn’t want to study so many and break down so many that you don’t get embarrassed to need an NC, because ultimately you have all the place.
This does not mean the actual difficulty of the course. And three times not individually for you.
By the way: You didn’t even have one of the cuts. So you can still think about the whole thing if you actually have the degree in your hand or he somehow stands out with a certain cut.
Until then, I would rather not use my time to ask something like that, for example, to do a few internships or, for example, to sit in lectures as a guest listener or watch a few videos on Youtube for the performance of different degree programs, so that you get an idea of what might be so suitable for you.
That’s right. Nevertheless, some with a cut of 0.88 are overwhelmed in medical studies (at least at the top unis). But yes, you shouldn’t be based on it. I didn’t say that the Nc had to be like that, just what you would want to study if you had such a cut and then it would be enough for a certain degree program.
Oh, what… is there somewhere in my answer, right?
Tell me what I’m studying.
You need to find out what you want to study. That is why such questions are also insane, because you seem to have no passion for anything. Just find out what you’d be interested in.
There are, for example, videos in which courses are presented on Youtubes, there are career and study advice etc.
I find those who have something to do with medicine in their CV should study medicine rather than wanting students who have no idea about their lives and want to study something. The main thing is learning and not working.
I know everything and of course I have passions and have a plan!!️
However, I want to get to know options and get to know about other professions I might have forgotten.
I’ve already informed myself about courses and wanted to study medicine. However, this probably won’t happen if I watch my sister, who has to learn a 0.75 cut super much and is just something above the average. Fair enough, she studies at one of the best universities in Germany
I would and will probably study pharmacy
cool! What kind of NC does it have when it has one?
Well, the trend is from year to year, but idR. If you go over AdH, you could count on about 1.8.
Okay, thanks
With such a good cut you have the free choice and should also use it.
Don’t study what you’re not burning for just because you have a good cut.
Go according to your gifts and professional wishes.
Depending on the tendency, I find chemistry, computer science or medicine attractive, others perhaps Jura. I would definitely choose a classic, full study and not small outsider studies.
Thank you. That’s how I plan it. For me, chemistry is not possible as I have been since the 8th. Class no longer has chemistry in class. Teacher shortage 🙄 I always found it interesting, but was still too lazy to suit myself.
probably the tendency will go to law because for medicine I’m probably too bad. Because better than 1.0 is shy for me 😅 (I would like both courses very much)
As I said, I would go far more to interest. All doors are open to you. Take those you prefer.
For law, you have to burn to make it really fun. Much memorizing, but also turning a lot of words, argue, think logically. You must like it.
Are you more talented in science and mathematics or languages?
Send me a friendship request if you like it.
Yeah, if you were to do a second study, wouldn’t you be studying forever? Haha
eventually you have to start working 😅
If I theoretically want to study mathematics and/or physics, what would there be for job options? Sure mathematicians or physicists, but what else?
And what would be possible with electrical engineering? I just read something about yesterday 😅
Yeah, that’s right. Electrical engineering has a very clear, though broad, job spectrum. Physicians and mathematicians not so much.
Electrical engineering at a very good technical university would certainly be highly recommended. This can also be combined with a secondary study of physics or computer science or specialize later.
I’ve been thinking. So with me it was physics or maths or electrical engineering. I find something very interesting. But in physics and mathematics I don’t know how the future possibilities look and whether you can get good jobs with a good salary even in the future.
How about subjects like electrical engineering, bioinformatics, physics or something?
Actually, I’m more gifted to natural sciences. I have mathematics and physics as performance courses and would like to take Bio as a third compartment. But it didn’t happen.
linguistically, I am good in English and just make a certificate level C1. But otherwise I’m not so bombastic.
I would never let my studies influence my cut. You have to study what you’re doing.
I know that and I already have a plan. Nevertheless, I would like to have options:)