Was würdet ihr mit 50.000€ machen?

Hallo, was würdet ihr mit 50.000€ machen, wenn ihr sie nicht investieren dürftet?

Was würdet ihr euch kaufen? Oder würdet ihr es spenden/verschenken? Was würdet ihr machen?

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1 year ago
  • I would buy a new kitchen
  • Pay debt if you borrowed money from parents.
  • Other new furniture that is useful
  • A lamp times, the light bulb on the ceiling can’t stay like this forever xD
  • Buy some fat in gaming.
  • I would buy more kitchen utensils and try more foods and more cooler recipes.
  • In addition, use the money for my health.
  • Probably my ex would rub that under his nose as he laughed at me for little money, paying me all alone While his mom does everything for him and pays…

With a lot of money, it would be easier to live.

1 year ago

Don’t invest? So no savings account and the bank? Don’t leave the current account until you need it?

Then I would buy a new racing bike for about 12,000 euros and from the rest a nice small to compact car

1 year ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf

I almost thought. Therefore, rennrad and car. Maybe another holiday. Depending on how much you spend on the other two things

1 year ago

I would then buy everything I have on my Amazon wishlist and put the rest on page for bad times (I wouldn’t do that, but since you can’t invest…)

1 year ago

Buy some things for my son, where I would find it good that he would have them for example to play (what I never had). I’d give my mother some money, as she spent money on our rented apartment and was behind us at any time. For example, I could use a part of the money as an equity for a loan for an apartment/house (-> I want my son to have a fixed place in which he can fully unfold and live out, has enough space for everything etc. only that is difficult in our rental apartment). Depending on how much money is there, I’d buy something once, as I’ve only been back since pregnancy.

I’m female and 19.

1 year ago
Reply to  iykyk

You can’t put it on, otherwise I’d make it a good interest, for example, as a fixed money. Put something on the side as a “emergence” of course.

1 year ago

If I shouldn’t invest I would buy and sell watches or similar to not be broke. If I had to spend it I would buy 2-3 beautiful watches, probably 4-8 thousand for high quality clothing, a nice car, possibly city trips or holiday in Scandinavia to see the polar lights.

1 year ago

Well, if I’m not allowed to invest, I’d make a license first, buy a car for 12k then there’s 35k left. I would then book a cruise or if not even 2. For me and my friend. Then there are still 25k left… you are hard to invest without it

Would buy me a custom suit and an overpriced trading setup. Even if it’s not necessary, I don’t know what else to buy.

In the end, up to 2x vacation, I do not really need what. I can’t afford

1 year ago
Reply to  KaffeemitMilf


So I think if I got 1 million, I’d give it a lot like you. Except for the 25k for a car. I would do that differently. I would make a difference in investment anyway.

1 year ago

Of course, you can buy a car at any time and if you do that, even without a lot of loss of value. The same with watches. Rolex.

I would not keep the capital on the bank, but as an object.

1 year ago

At the moment I’m physically so equipped that I don’t really miss anything.

Maybe a new bed with what I have now is actually completely fine and keeps me and my friend out.

I think I just want to save it and sometimes I can do something nice and, for example, a massage or a small weekend trip such things.

1 year ago

$10,000 I would put aside as a reserve

20.000€ I would use for travel

And the other €20,000 I would spend on the latest consumer goods

1 year ago

I would create a payout plan for the next 10 years to 3.75% at Gefa Bank. For this, I would get back 416€ each month for the next 10 years plus the interest at the end of the year.

What I wouldn’t need in the month, I’d put in funds.

1 year ago
Reply to  christl10

Question read correctly?

1 year ago
Reply to  LizenzfireArtZ


1 year ago

That would be my secret iron reserve. No state, no person should know what. But it’s good to have. Let’s get the washing machine quick, or the TV and other. What you have.

1 year ago
Reply to  lasdas

the washing machine

Has somehow burned into the German soul, but is no longer so expensive. Dentist bills and auto repairs continue.

1 year ago

If it has to go away with violence, I’d buy a car.

1 year ago

Maybe make a world trip

1 year ago

A World Journey

1 year ago

Leave it to the account.

Deducted for debt.