Was würdet ihr mit 200.000€ machen?

Hi, ich bin 28 Jahre und mein Bruder und ich habe vor 3 Jahren 200.000€ von meiner Mutter bekommen, also jeder. Meine Mutter hatte einen wohlhabenden Vater der vor 10 Jahren gestorben ist und bevor er gestorben ist hat er seinen 2 Kindern 750.000€ gegeben und meine Mutter hat auch das Ferienhaus in Griechenland bekommen, was aber mittlerweile verkauft wurde. Zu Ihrer Mutter hat sie seit über 10 Jahren keinen Kontakt mehr, ich weiß aber auch nicht wirklich, was da wirklich vorgefallen ist es ging auf jeden Fall um Geld. Mein Bruder und ich haben vor 3 Jahren mit 25 und 26 200.000€ aufs Konto bekommen und mein Bruder hat schon fast 50.000€ davon ausgegebene und ich nicht mal 5000€ Ich war 1-2 mal im Urlaub und habe mir ein Auto für 15.000€ gekauft, allerdings nicht von dem Geld sondern von meinem “eigenen” was ich selber verdient habe.

Ich möchte kein Haus, Eigentumswohnung, da ich sowieso nur 500€ Warmmiete bezahle. Ein Auto habe ich und ansonsten glücklich, dass ich gesund bin und natürlich auch dankbar, dass ich so viel Geld von meinem Opa geerbt habe. Fühle mich aber irgendwie komisch, dass ich so viel Geld auf meinem Konto habe. Was würdet ihr mit dem Geld machen?

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1 year ago

Open an account for example at Comdirect, VW Bank or Opelbank and create at least 100,000 for 1 to 3 years. The interest isn’t that bad. The rest I’m giving it to the stock exchange 🖖. Actually, I’d invest the rest on the stock exchange. There are plants that say how long you want to put on with what risk and buy and then sell for you. Costs 1% a year but you don’t have to understand. Alternatively, you can also read financial test, focus money and acquire the knowledge and create it yourself. That’s risky, of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

There are plants that say how long you want to put on with what risk and buy and then sell for you. Costs 1% a year but you don’t have to understand. Alternatively, you can also read financial test, focus money and acquire the knowledge and create it yourself. That’s risky, of course.

You feel it as risky to read yourself so that you know what to do, but don’t find it risky to give 1% of your money annually, which runs with it happiness? If he was so successful, he wouldn’t have to take the money of other people.

I’d rather heat my money into the oven, and then I’ll get warm. What you’re proposing is insane…

I guess you don’t have any money at all. You notice it from your unexistent financial education.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Yo Joe, don’t give the questioner his own answer but comment on the answers of others unrespectfully. Nothing else we expected. The questioner and others thanked each other. The caravan continues.

1 year ago


  • 4-5 Bitcoins buy ^^
  • Money is making money there!
  • investing (stainless metal; funds; Exchange/shares; ETFs)
  • Condominium in a big city, not for you, but for rent!
  • small house in the land for rent… some will get you for 10,000 and then have to expand it for 190k…
  • Art objects (pain, pictures etc.)
  • Donations


1 year ago

You don’t want a house, I would have guessed you.

Just see if there are some dreams you still have. Otherwise, save is never wrong. Even if you don’t want anything, you could change a lot in your life and then the money can be a blessing.

Do not consider it as a lot of money, but rather just a number on your account.

If it bothers you pack it to a separate account, or a savings account.

1 year ago

I don’t want a house, condo, as I pay only 500€ warm rental anyway.

Wrong thinking. You can also buy a house without living it yourself.

But other option:

  • Put the money in a depot (MCI World), if you don’t need it. If you pay 25% tax on it, you would slowly increase the money. Do as if you didn’t have it on the depot and live on with your self-deserved money. After 30 years, you have a fucking good pension. When paying out, you no longer have to pay taxes because you pay the taxes on profits annually.
  • Start a business with the money you enjoy. Deal with the money. Buy things and sell them again. What you do is left to you.
  • Put it in ores like gold, so you’ll always be worth it.
1 year ago

I inherited something about my mother, but not as much as you did. I’m not doing anything with the money, it’s just there as an emergency. I don’t have much to live but something always comes and then the money is missing. The car is broken, the washing machine, a high bill or my dog may have an operation to the veterinarian, and then it calms me that I have the emergency groan. Or you lose for some reason the job and the rent and everything must be paid until what is new or just a solution. And the people who usually want to reproduce it have nothing at all because something didn’t run according to plan shares or something. Get luxury a new car or something. Yeah, 200,000 is gone quickly and you ask yourself where it is. Your brother’s gonna ask himself someday.

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackSoul818

Most of the people who want to increase this will also increase

1 year ago
Reply to  thatsmypw1

Not always, rather the opposite happens.

1 year ago

In your situation put into shares, not in any managed funds, but standard values.

1 year ago
Reply to  Einzelfahrer

With standard values you can also quickly lie wrong. See Bayer or Wirecard….they were also considered safe.

1 year ago

My suggestion: Invest in yourself first. Go to consultants (available at the bank), get some books, get what’s going on. Find out about everything (no matter whether stocks, funds, ETF, precious metals, ETC) and then form your own opinion – with which you have to live your life. Do not let anyone present a particular (namely his) plan before you (!) do not know exactly what you are doing. However, all ideas are welcome.

1 year ago

Apartment for 200k buy and rent. 40k deposit, 160k credit.

20k Krypto

Msci world

40k emerging markets

1 year ago

That’s not much money

1 year ago
Reply to  Helios91

Yes. before all 20

1 year ago
Reply to  Helios91

Of course, that’s fucking much money

1 year ago
Reply to  Helios91

Then you have no idea how to make money.

1 year ago


1 year ago

World trip would be cool

1 year ago

Save! Or put on. Find out about the best investment methods…

1 year ago
Reply to  dodi12995

Caution steals return

1 year ago
Reply to  dodi12995

Isn’t there any adviser where you can get the best information?

1 year ago

Put the money well until you might want to buy a house.

1 year ago

Go on a beautiful holiday!

1 year ago

I don’t want a house, condo, as I pay only 500€ warm rental anyway.

You’re saying 28 now. Look closely thought. Your life goes loosely 50 – 60 years and property serves primarily to secure the pension period.

I’d like to have a nice vacation and take the big rest until I have a sensible idea.

1 year ago

Create and not leave the account.

Etf, savings letters, daily money account.

With the right facility you would have 10 to 20,000 € more

1 year ago

he inherited 300k and announced after a year.

1 year ago
Reply to  DutchMixson

Bad idea

1 year ago
Reply to  thatsmypw1

nö was the best in this country when one has grown in the 70s/80s.

1 year ago

I told you about the 500 units my father sold last time. he can’t spend so much.

1 year ago

have the money on the stock exchange doubled in 5 years. I can only laugh about today’s “volk”.

1 year ago

All right, 300k were more than 300k now