Was würdet ihr machen wenn euer Sohn 32 Jahre eine neue Freundin hat?
die 17 Jahre ist
die 17 Jahre ist
Ich bin W/18 und habe gerade eine Ausbildung als Kauffrau für Büromanagement angefangen und ich habe festgestellt, dass man etliche Steuern abgezogen bekommt. Was soll das?!?! Eigentlich wollte ich weder Kinder noch heiraten, aber ich sehe es nicht ein so viel abzugeben. Und das Freche ist auch noch: Je mehr man verdient, desto mehr gibt…
Hallo, ich w/15 esse seit ich soweit ich mich erinnere seit ich 6 bin nichts mehr an Obst, also wirklich gar nichts mehr. Mir wird beim Anblick/Geruch schon schlecht und ich kann es überhaupt nicht leiden wenn jemand der in meiner nähe bzw Sichtweite ist Obst isst, ich habe sofort das Bedürfnis den raum/Ort zu…
also wenn man als Kind in vollkommen schlechten Zustand vorgefunden wird, aber niemand was sagt, bis die Paten der eigenen Familie eingreifen und retten?
Hallo Leute, ich bin 12 und mache mir echt Sorgen um meine Eltern! Meine Eltern rauchen beide viel zu viel (je 1 ganze Schachtel am Tag) ich mache mir einfach sorgen weil es ja sehr gefährlich ist und so. Außerdem mache ich mir seit längerem Sorgen auch um meine Gesundheit weil meine Eltern mich dem…
I’m free of children. Would say that he has to decide himself because he’s grown up. I find that critical as most people with 17 years of age do not yet live as a man with 32 and also have less sexual experiences and the relationship to their own desires and needs is often not as mature as with 32 years of age. I would give him to understand that there will be many people who will not find this constellation with the younger woman well.And whether he desires to lead a relationship that is so critically viewed by society.
Sorry I’m coming here, but you realize you’re living in the bubble.
Nowadays more 14, 15, 16 and 17 year olds have sex or at least such experiences. In addition, there are also adults who have not experienced “satisfied”. Or do you want to set up again here and claim that all people of each age group are identical worldwide? So possess the same maturity, have the same music taste, follow the same food/drinking, identical hobbies and otherwise are the same in all areas? Yeah, really? Standing in life? Is that it? I know people who are disabled with 32 unemployed or sick. And then, do I know people who have a baby with 17 who attend and study the gymnasium? And now? Who is more in life? It’s nice if you always put all people in a flat-rate drawer and think you can only share them with an age class. On the one hand, a lot of teenagers are required, but on the other hand, fatigue is denounced. What now? Once society can agree and realize that every person is different. Just on the edge. By the way: I was once a child & teenager. I knew exactly what I like and what I didn’t. Experiences, failures and co. also belong to this. I was self-employed as a child. So, what’s your age xyz? Are all children, teenagers and adults of every single age world identical?
Well, I don’t like having a girlfriend, a woman and a child, but still there’s nothing to change about logic, attitude, law and co.
On the one hand, I would always be there for my (adult) children, on the other hand, children, teenagers and adults must make their own decisions. Consequences and learning effects also belong to life.
And if the “child” is already 32 years old, mature and grown up, then neither decisions nor life itself do anything to me. Depending on the relationship and need, one is just talking about God and the world, asking within the small valley here and there, or “lightly” for various things. Love life isn’t my concern.
If I had to have a girlfriend/woman and children, I would be happy if they found a partner. Children will be informed, informed, and will still be on hand. Teens, however, leave 14 freedoms in the legal framework. From 18 it would be “worst.” Nevertheless, I would always be on the side of my advice and give my opinion. Furthermore, I simply expect a certain degree of autonomy and maturity from age x.
Whether the potential or the right friend is “younger” or “older”, I don’t care. Whether it is my (adult) child or other people, does not matter for logic. The two people (the couple) have to decide whether it fits. If it’s just a swarm/phase, it’s just like that. If it’s something FESTES, it’s nice. Don’t touch me and don’t touch me.
Because people often speak “consciously” provocatively the age and the age difference. You don’t put people in drawers because every person is different from the more than 8 billion people worldwide. Whether a girl is “younger” or “older” is something of sausage. It is about relevant properties, behaviors, chemistry and underlying about two people who need to like themselves. The rest is irrelevant and does not appeal to third parties.
It doesn’t bother me downstairs and it’s none of my business. Whether it’s my children or third parties, nothing changes logic.
I would advise him to take care of the parents of the 17-year-olds.
They could react unreleased.
It’s his thing. The boy is 32, you should be responsible for yourself. At least so much that a mama’s views are no longer so interesting that you can get to know about her life.
I don’t care.
He’s old enough to know the problem.
Nothing? What should you do? He’s grown up and she’ll be soon. They do not violate a right of that. Should they be happy or separate one of them will already pass somewhere
Nothing, my son’s 32 years old enough to control his own life, that’s none of my business.
Nothing. It’s all his business and his girlfriend’s.
I would be happy for the two
He is responsible for his actions for the full year and full time
I don’t have anything to say
I’d laugh at him
Hold me out of there.
A Smurf