Was würdet ihr machen wenn euer Kind ihr Pausenbrote nicht essen?
Auch wenn man fragt was sie drauf haben wollen und dann trotzdem nicht essen
Man Stelle sich vor, euch passiert folgende Situation: Du bist in einem gewöhnlichen Café, konsumierst dort für etwa 12 Euro. Du willst bezahlen, gibst der Kellnerin einen 20 Euro Schein und sie sagt wie aus der Pistole geschossen “Danke und ciao”. Ihr schaut sie natürlich überrascht und verdutzt an, was ihr natürlich auffällt. Daraufhin sagt…
Ich frage, da ich gerne als Hausfrau zuhause bleiben würde, wenn ich Kinder bekäme, aber kann sich das ein Durchschnittsmann heute noch leisten?
männlich 23J 166cm 59kg. Sollte ich eh zunehmen?
Hi Leute. Kann mir jemand sagen was für ein Gericht bzw Fisch das ist auf dem Bild da unten. Das Bild stammt von einem Manga (Tokyo Ghoul)
ich hab nur durch zufall herrausgefunden, z.b. wenn ich bestimmt sachen esse quark, vollmilchschokolade, mit meinen worten kann ich kaum schluken mir bleibt dann fast die luft weg, trinke ich milch, limo, ess scharfem meeriisch gehts wieder, dann muss ich hundertmal niesen schnupfen, bei rama habe ich die symthome
Ich habe eben 2 geschnittene mittelgroße apfel Stücke gegessen und nach ungefähr 30 min hab ich angefangen Chips zu essen, ist sowas vertraglich?
When children eat breakfast and lunch, some children don’t have to eat anything in between. They’re just tired and you shouldn’t get rid of it.
Ask if he/she wants to take breaks.
Take a break for dinner again.
well he always comes with sweet and I say no there is not in school. And don’t think until the evening it’s all right
Well, just ask what’s more important to you: that the child eats something in the chule, or that what he eats is healthy. I could imagine shcon to find the compromise to smash a sweet covering on bread. Many also take Porridge to school and a spoon. That would be sweet and healthy if it was only made with fruit without additional sugar. Or if he’s enough, he’ll just take some fruit. You don’t starve over a school day. He obviously prefers not to eat anything, instead of what he doesn’t taste like (or does he get anything from anyone at school?). And no, bread will not be disgusting until evening. That was so common with me. Each one of us once brought his bread back home because the hunger wasn’t that big, there was something in school or or. However, we have eaten bread in the evening anyway. You should just pick up the bread directly with your homecoming from the cannula and pack it in the fridge.
What are you doing so far? Did you always throw it away? So, apart from the waste, I find that it gives your child something very wrong. If he has the option of estimating his hunger himself and forgot a bread completely.
If it’s an exception, so it just happens occasionally, it wouldn’t be bad….
but if it’s always the case, I wouldn’t make a break until the child wants it.
I didn’t eat my brote even earlier and think either the child should make it herself or not take it if that is still in school
but he is still in primary school
ok sry
naja I wouldn’t tell a child just make your schoolbrot in the passing school or 4th grade would be that according to my opinion okay but before that I wouldn’t do that
what do you mean when he is in primary school
Ask if the child wants something else. Otherwise leave. I’ve always hated to have a break because I wasn’t hungry at school.
they ask why they didn’t eat anything
Questions, what would you like to eat?
yes I do and then it will not be eaten
He may not like bread
yes manythough he has to eat sometimes