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2 years ago

Travel with private jets or luxury yachts.

The rich never go to the collar. We’re supposed to have less showers and heating. Peak Clown World. 🤡

2 years ago

I’m sure. Bullfights or horse races are not harmful to the environment. In the first five or six years of their lives, these bulls have a much more free and beautiful life than our mass animals. Beautiful landscapes are also preserved. I don’t think the fights are good either. If I would rather pay to see the bulls in their habitats, however, you would have to regulate there somehow.

Motorsport is of course not good for the environment but zb you should also forbid to get a new phone every 2 years, buy too often new clothes, palm oil and aluminum in many products and you should eat less meat.

Zb brings together the textile industry more than co 2 than ships and air traffic and unexplainedly directs wastewater into the rivers. For mobile radio raw materials rainforest is cleared in large style also for food cultivation and palm oil. For peat in the garden soil moore are destroyed which are important for climate and environment. Rainforest is also cleared for grilled charcoal.

Commercial candles produce more fine dust than the industry because they consist mainly of paraffin, a petroleum waste material and the flame does not burn hot enough to burn everything properly.

One would have to ban silicones in cosmetics and much more or at least reduce it all.

But many things will never be said in politics, etc., all that the economy is running and that brings more money and the environment is often secondary.

Many construction projects also need to be prevented, zb have even in Germany rare animals or plants yet no construction project really prevented even if unique habitats are to be added. Animals are relocated in the long term but no solution is eventually occupied by areas. In economic interests, the environment is also of secondary importance to us.

2 years ago

Bullfights and horse sports are not harmful to the environment (or only because of the attending spectators, but they also have constants and festivals).

In motorsport, only a small percentage of vehicle emissions is certainly a small proportion.

Gaming certainly makes more of it, but I find that too widespread for a ban. And then it would be more sensible to suppress streaming services or Tiktok and Co..

2 years ago
Reply to  Zalla55

you drive in the “Motorsport” only in circles and consume fuel…

also it is life-threatening…

how funny…

2 years ago
Reply to  Liebello

As I said on my deleted comment on your answer, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

2 years ago

buy a cat

then you understand

2 years ago

Sure, fossil energy.

Bullfight, a question of fair conditions and whether it is torture for the animal. at least no energy wasted, rather sport for man (e.g. if se leave the bulls through the alleys). And then there are still the rankings of cows and horses – completely natural and necessary.

There is no need for motor sports. There is nothing positive to say about this: pollution, climate control, sealing, many dead and vulnerability.

2 years ago

I also see bullfighting critical in terms of animal welfare, but motorsport is from the environmental aspect out of the bigger post.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jekanadar

It’s difficult. Most of the dirt are the people who drive there. Consistently, you would have to ban any big event that people drive by car.

2 years ago
Reply to  shagdalbran

Then that’s the way. The selection is chosen strangely… Don’t worry about it. Neither did the FS.

2 years ago

Really cool question. I only lack a general option.

I would like to question whether the prohibition of one of the above options of the environment only brings anything.

If there is something to look more closely at, that would be the mining of digital currencies. In the meantime, global electricity consumption should be far above average.

Does that look like who?

2 years ago


nothing of what you write!

I would forbid:

  • Damage and slow-down (riders drive at least a lot of kilometers for your fuel! In the dam you consume fuel without coming many kilometers!)
  • send empty buses (for 40 persons) by the counties; If there are only 1.2 or 3 rides, also cars!
  • War
  • dictatorship
  • More children get than 1 per person
  • Lobby laws
  • Fax machines


2 years ago

In principle, I think it is wrong in the field of environmental protection to work with bans. In gaming and motorsports, it is sufficient to increase energy costs to achieve an effect. And in bullfights and horse fighting, I don’t even see a need for action.

2 years ago

Here, some users have literally confused animal welfare with environmental pollution (Your question) ! I’m against bull, & illegal cocks, dog fights! But all Mex would laugh about that. But what would be environmental damage to horse races?! If the Gaul loses a “apple” during the race, then the BIO is pure! And Mr.Ed, Fury… even the clever Gaul “Whisky” (see film “Kaktusjack”) had never harmed with bloating the environment!!! It would be necessary to insert an AU tester into the bush that eats a döner, onion cake, chili con carne or all intertwining fast foods. Each Hamburcher fish-emmel seller would turn through if a “exhaust gas tax” was collected on each onion ring 😉

My long meaningless text actually goes to the bullfight clicker (currently 26 ). Sure. Who would call his steel rose first?

2 years ago

I would have said motorsport, but there are at least no bulls for entertainment.

2 years ago

I would definitely like to ban bullfights, but what does the environment have to do with it?

2 years ago


Feed production, tin cans, dog bags.

2 years ago

I don’t need to go.

2 years ago

Could the man of gaming have chosen me please tell why?

2 years ago

That was definitely not a Fortnitekiddy;)

2 years ago

I wanted to.


2 years ago

Because it consumes a lot of electricity when you recreate it worldwide.

Bullfights and horse races are not harmful to the environment.

2 years ago

All three options

2 years ago

That’s disgusting.

2 years ago

have never understood what sport should be

completely superfluous