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1 year ago

I would do what is most likely to be the case for me. Without knowing the framework conditions, you cannot say that.

In principle, the aspects of flexibility, amortization and tax aspects must be taken into account.

If the purchase takes place privately, tax aspects do not matter. Then Leasing is probably too inflexible. A balloon financing is what comes closest to leasing from the financial aspect.

1 year ago

It depends on how long the car is to remain in possession. If the plan to drive the car for a very long time is practically until further operation due to its age is at some point no longer profitable, buy will be the appropriate option.

However, if one calculates for acquisition with a short holding period of, for example, two years, a car purchase seemed risky to me at the current time. Since political decisions are scarcely predictable and are not defined, which index will still have a vehicle in one year due to this and the future economic situation, I think Leasing is the safe option. As an example, I call e-vehicles, which were considered to be a totally future-proof thing one to two years ago, but this year after the expansion of operating costs associated with increasing electricity prices and, at the same time, due to lower sales by reducing the environmental premium, partly massive price reductions by the manufacturers in the new car sector, have hardly any demand and therefore a high loss of value.

What kind of environment-political pleasure after Habeck’s heating system and consortiums is next spontaneously extracted and implemented in the short term is not foreseeable, so the investment in a higher-priced new car seems to me to be at risk, so I would prefer leasing.

1 year ago

Always depends on the circumstances.

I drive relatively little privately, under the week I only use the company car. In addition, I will change the car every 3-4 years, since leasing is cheaper than buying

1 year ago

Depends on the exact vehicle and the circumstances. Can both be advantageous, even as a private person. But without accurate information, you cannot say what is better in your situation.

1 year ago

I have always bought and -until about 15 years ago – not financed, but paid exclusively cash.

1 year ago

Leasing is unmissed money if you don’t want a new car all the time and the money doesn’t matter 😀

1 year ago

Buy a used car.

The leasing company also wants some of your money

1 year ago

Private leasing is usually not worth

1 year ago

Leasing only makes sense in the case of corporate cars, where the rate can be taxed.