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Up to €100.
Official merch often costs beyond the 100€ from certain sizes, but thanks to 3D printers, this can also be made significantly cheaper for any fan.
Keep asking for the 3D file.
I am not the SauronFan now, but on the flea market 15€
Pure material value is around €25.
Uh, no. You pay for the material 25€
The one who sold this to you is a liter of it and makes profits on sale to you.
The price is just what someone else is willing to pay.
Of course, it’s complicated to model the first figure, then make your work with the airbrush and brushes, but in the end you have to find someone who wants to pay all your work.
This is where all your troubles meet people who have not waited for it.
A legal sale would not be worthwhile for me if I taxed it. Sometimes the tax office does not say anything, but really making money is not worth at 42%. ^^
It was just a matter of interest. It remains in the closet.
I bought the model, printed and correspondingly coloured.
It is supply and demand.
Even if Amazon turns another season in the HDR universe, it is no longer as shaved as before. Marvel and Star Wars are also on a descending branch.
If you want to make profits, you should see if you’re doing something that’s more promising. Three months ago, that would have been One Piece.
(Leader’s right to vote on the outside).
Doesn’t everyone put something like that on the shelf or give it away.
Did you design the figure yourself, or get the file(selled?)
It is simply of interest, what the public thinks, what such a figure costs or could cost.
Pea county, you know what’s meant. 😉
Mine isn’t that, but I guess that’s 100-150€.
I don’t know the genre, so I’m not a fan.
as a gift for n fan 20 to 25
self-contained maximum 75
Nix. Not my case.