Was würdet ihr eher?
in der heutigen Zeit leben oder in den 70/80ern
Warum mögen es grausame Menschen trotzdem nicht, wenn man grausam zu ihnen ist? Weil so bin ich, weil ich glaube, Grausame Menschen lernen es nur wenn man dreimal so grausam zu ihnen zurück ist. Aber plötzlich mögen sie ihre eigene Medizin nicht mehr, warum?
Ich persönlich finde die Namen schön meine Mutter Stiefvater etepetete wer hier noch so ist frage ich nicht weil die wieder irgendwas dagegen haben werden weil mein Stiefvater solche „Ausländer Namen“(Bruder die Namen sind doch schön auch von der Bedeutung her)doof findet (und meine Bff als Rassistin beleidigen obwohl sie nie was gesagt geschrieben gezeichnet…
Ich habe sehr häufig mal festgestellt, sowohl Bei mir selber als auch bei manchen anderen, dass das Leben von denen oft viel höher geschätzt wird als das eigene Leben und weshalb sich manche von uns finde ich unzulänglich fühlen. Dabei trägt jeder von uns auch zu seinem Persönlichen Beitrag bei.
Frage nur aus Neugier wie verhalten sich eure asiatischen Freunde falls ihr welche habt
Born in 1963 and therefore experienced all the last decades VERY consciously with all heights and depths.
My conclusion: between 1980 and 1995 it was best.
Reason: The complications and reorientations of the post-war years were graduated. Now one had a goal and laid the course for a future. The world in these 15 years was fresh, innovative, lively and yet not too dense. Cars and music at this time were the indicators.
However, what one imagined in the 80s as it would look like around 2025 would not happen, or only partly, and even differently. The most profound turn was the introduction of the smartphone. What was not on the plan at that time: migration problem, bureaucratic super inertia….
Thank you
I don’t have to think about it.
Back to the past!
Even though I am quite aware that at that time it was not always better, as was already quoted here, “the good, old time,” the feeling of life was simply different.
At that time one had the feeling of being able to live and be allowed to live.
Life was affordable, the social competence higher, the demands on life modest.
As much as I appreciate today, as progress in medicine or technology, life was more beautiful, lighter and more liveable at the time!
This is just my personal opinion. Thank you.
If you prefer to live in the 1970s, then simply think about the methods of surgery and dentistry such as drilling without anaesthesia and already starts healing reason and this absurd “before everything was better” ends abruptly.
Fiese air pollution, dead rivers and a wahn included in the AKW building. There was hardly any talk about perception and rights for LGBTQI. No, thanks.
I know that at the time and repetitions are not my thing.
Well, it depends. I’ll stay at 2025. But if I don’t know all this, I’d rather be 70.
Although the 70s/80s had their advantages, I prefer to live here and now. Humanity has made some significant progress that was simply not yet made.
I would definitely want to live in the 70/80s.
Today. Since I was not in the world at that time 😉
you got the question wrong. I was born 90, but this is about whether you were born 50 years more and then in 1975 as old as today 2025.
70s/80s was credible already a long time, but since there are no time machines, I don’t think about it.
Clear 70/80
Today, if I should marry, I must not be raped by my partner
I live in today’s time and that is not to change
(If you should choose this)
In the present
better today, with proper internet.
I want back to the 80s!!! And stay there. Forever!
70/80s please