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“And I thought you wanted to confess that you murdered sweet chicks.”
I don’t care about his sexuality. As long as he is not on prepubertary children or animals and everything happens with consent. Would support him, even if I’m straight.
It should be said that I don’t have children and I don’t want any. And even if I had some, I wouldn’t be too obsessed with being a grandmother.
Right setting😊
Would be totally okay for me, I’m Queer, and I don’t think it’s bad if he was gay and would accept and support him as he is.
I wouldn’t think about it, everyone has the right to be happy in his own way. Whether he’s gay or not doesn’t matter, he’s my son, and remains my son. That doesn’t change his sexual orientation. I love my son and I’m good would be happy for him.
My personal opinion
Nothing, I’m lesbian myself. As long as he is happy, I am happy for him:)
I’d accept, ’cause he didn’t pick it up.
“My son is gay. Yeah.
And now?”
Good for him. I wouldn’t care what sexuality my son would have. I wouldn’t bring him to the world and assume he’s stockhetero😂 But if he needed some support, I’d give it to him, of course.
It would change nix,
he was gay before he was out and after that too.
He is and remains my son.
He should be happy as he likes it and I accept it.
I don’t care. Bzw I’d be worried that someone could limit him or attack him, but otherwise that doesn’t matter to me.
I would always love my child, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
If it is so then it is so that we’re going to make sure he decides for himself
I only have a daughter. It would be nice if she became gay.
I’m fine.
So I’m gay and that wasn’t a problem for me. But I should have a son first
I wouldn’t care 😊
What do you think is that we have 2023 hallo?
Would cancel the contact
Why is that?
With your own child? Even though it can’t do anything that has come to the world?
I buy him a flag if he wants and we can mcs or something but it doesn’t touch me