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I’d cook jam from it.
To eat fresh, most are too sour. (You see with a naked eye).
And they don’t.
Apparently this is the old variety “Theodor Reimers”:
These are the blackberries with the many thorns. That’s what I have.
This is also the variety that has long since been devastated, and the abandoned land quickly overgrown.
Care is very complex. But if you cultivate this variety, build a scaffold and take care of it, the fruits are great. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible without plant protection products. Biological blackberries are not possible. Just like the sweethearts.
You can also freeze them and store them.
After thawing, they are a little sweeter. Because the frost starch is converted into sugar.
I would enjoy her in a sweet, warm vanilla pudding.
Probably a cheong or Blackberry syrup=A closable glass take as large as possible, and stack blackberries and sugar inside alternately, and store in the refrigerator until it has become syrup.
I’d go out and eat every day. with a few, maybe. if all are ripe, I will only feed myself from brombeer
It would boil a thick compote and then eat with yogurt. The most ripening I would write
Eat with yogurt.
In a fruit salad.
They’d eat.
I like to eat berries.
I wouldn’t even collect them.