Was würdest du tun wenn du mit Anfang 15 Mutter wirst?
Hi Julia,
Eine sehr gute hat ihre Pille nicht genommen und wurde deshalb jetzt mit gerade einmal 15 schwanger. Wer der Vater ist weiß sie nicht und deshalb ist sie sehr ahnungslos. Da ich ebenfalls überfragt bin, würde ich gerne von dir wissen was du an ihrer Stelle machen würdest.
Bad situation with 15 years. Pregnant at age is already a problem enough, but why doesn’t your girlfriend know who the father of her unborn child is? She should know that. In her place, I would talk to the parents about supporting her and helping her to walk the right way in the situation.
Apply to the child
Talk to parents! If she doesn’t dare with a trust teacher, school social worker or doctor. It’s essential that she gets all the necessary possibilities here. It doesn’t have to be embarrassed, but you have to accept all the help, because pregnancy at the age does not have to be completely harmless.
At this young age, I would not have dared to “stmme” a pregnancy, a birth and a child physically, psychologically, financially, partnershipally and life-planerically, and decided to abort pregnancy without having to wake up with the eyelash.
If my daughter or a friend of my sons had become pregnant at that age, I would of course have said my support, but secretly hoped for a break.
See also my post here:
Happy for you!
I would drive away
I’d talk to my parents if they support me so I can keep the child
If you don’t know who the father is, in your case, I’d take the pill after it or drive it off. If you’d get the child, you’d have to raise it without a father. At your age, you’re almost a child. Don’t let your time take away from a baby