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Then the great time of the SCHMUGGLER will begin.
The animals are then chased to the streets like the Holy cows in India and left to their fate.
True animal friends will slaughter the animals before they die in winter.
And the meat will find its customers.
Animal welfare is different from prohibiting meat food.
Pfff and after that there will be no more torrents, how sad is that?
Meat would be prohibited on this question. Not eggs, wool, honey, labor, milk….
But good that you confirm that no animals are tolerated.
Did you know that the plants you eat are so bred that they would not survive in nature alone? So long-term. They would become less powerful and eventually disappear.
The high yield varieties thank additional fertilizers and also plant protection measures, because the high-bred varieties are more susceptible to disease than historical varieties.
If you have “filled” flowers on a rose, dahlie or ornamental cherry, they cannot reproduce themselves because no bees come to pollination.
Rye was a cereal weed at ancient times.
And the yieldability of farm plants was also much lower 200 years ago. then they fertilized without any other fertilizer. Nowadays they would starve.
Your farm animals eat plants and you and now? Sorry, come with arguments that deaf!
What agony do the plants feel and how can they perceive them?
Don’t you think your shoes are easy? Every day you press her face on the street and your stinky feet have to bear them.
The plants are “qualified”, they cannot survive without humans alone.
We shouldn’t eat “bred” plants.
Nice and? You don’t eat plants or how? I’m against monocultures and now? What do you want to tell me?
You can only make fun of what you’re giving.
What I have done so far: feed me vegetarian.
I would ignore this point-free ban, which can only be a result of the sick imagination of a few less hateful dietary fanatics. Like other religious dogmatics, they only know the extremes: either a lot of meat consumption or no one, either black or white – the healthy middle way is not an option for them. Apparently, they are incapable of maintaining or suffering from other deficits, possibly even dietary.
When it comes to violence, there is no golden middle. Either violence or violence.
This too inexperienceable dogma geronnene drawer thinking is what makes missioning vegans so repulsive. How much violence is required to take an egg from the nest of the hen? It should be clearly less than a general ban on meat.
I must agree with you. The extremists don’t know borders, either pregnant or not pregnant, semi-pregnant they don’t even know how stupid their statements are!!
So you don’t just want to wipe out all the animals, but you want people with you. Fascinating…
No. I want to create violence from the world that can be prevented. I cannot prevent fish from eating each other without using violence. But you can choose to do without animal products. And I can criticize you for not doing it.
Your free associations are cute, but would you please stay on the subject? You want to eradicate all violence against animals because “a little violence is still violence.” So how do you want to rule out that a fox of goose violence or a pike of trout? Or does your crossed “logic” fail, which you want to make even happy to me? And are you like other fanatics ready to violate laws, because you’re making your personal morals about everyone else? So far, you’re just showing what might be going wrong in the minds of militant vegans.
Are you against rape? So you want to eradicate all human beings to rule out that a human being rapes another?
Your logic.
Laws determine your moral compass? Are you aware that very bad things have already been legal and are still worldwide?
Until 1997, a woman could not sue her husband to rape, as rape in the text of the law only related to extramarital sex, and wives by law were obliged to sexually satisfy her husband. 27 years ago, would you have taken it anxiously, would you have known your neighbor raped his wife?
Pure example… now the question does not deviate with such a bullshit as “here I was still a child” because it is only about the question whether “it is legal” can justify any gräueltat.
Then you want to eradicate all the animals to rule out that a fox of goose violence or a pike of trout.
The legislature has punished this; to take an egg from the nest of his chicken, however, not.
Because a little violence is still violence.
Would you tell the child to enter cats in a bag to moderate and please just walk around half of the cats?
And I explained to you that you’re attacking the wrong tree. From me, you can continue to try to mission “the society” with your hate-filled text blocks, your demand for total abstinence will continue to cause only tired smiles. What prevents you from preaching moderation instead? This would be much more effective than your “everything or nothing” dogma, with which you (if at all) at most act the opposite.
Eggs don’t just spawn in nests. You’re gonna need a bun. Hens don’t just spawn, you have to breed them. The breeding also produces male chickens that are killed. So that mankind can be supplied with so many eggs, the hens must be tortured and killed at a young age.
So, taking an egg from the nest of the hen is just as violent as a bag of cats to die for you. You seem to be beg to stop taking you seriously?
Are you unable to imagine a hypothetical scenario to check your logic? Would you watch a child enter a bag of cats until they die, would you intervene or not? Do you think no one would have the right to do this because each product has child labour?
I have explained to you in detail what immeasurable violence is necessary to provide the society with eggs. You can also talk the consumption of human flesh nicely if you only look at the moment when you put meat in the pan and ignore everything that had to happen for it!
My neighbor has no dogs, and you seem to still not have a meaningful answer to how much violence should be required to take an egg from the nest of the hen. You can do without it, but please stop complaining about those who do not have excessive meat consumption without falling into the other extreme.
Imagine you’d ask your neighbor to stop beating his dogs and he’d call you hypocritical because you own a PC.
If it weren’t just a pious spell, you wouldn’t use computers or smartphones. Is it common with food fanatics that the welfare of laying hens is more important to them than that of children in Congolese mines?
I hate violence and I’ll fight her. Why do you defend violence?
Didn’t you notice that this is exactly DAS? So better find a place where they are not OT for your hateful missionation attempts.
Did you notice that I didn’t ask for a general ban on meat?
Can you answer my question? Is the medium path you have praised, in which a little violence is no longer bad, feasible for German citizens?
Are you just talking about improvements, but are you still buying products from this absolutely cruel industry?
How much violence do you have to exercise to enforce a general ban on meat? But you don’t think so far…
Can you answer my question?
You talk about YOUR need. The fact that 83 million Germans cannot be supplied solely by chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, geese, etc., which are lovingly kept in small herds in the backyards is well aware of you.
So how do you cover your needs? In fact, with the products of animals that had a beautiful life and died of natural death? or is your construct of a “middle path”, so just a little violence that is not bad, but not practical?
You obviously also have your problems with understanding reading, or are it the ideological barns that make every non-veganer appear to you as an enemy?
Oh, and you only consume eggs from the back garden of Aunt Ilma?
Enough to meet my needs.
So you finally realized how alien to reality is your claim of “administration”. At least something. We’d rather be silent about your other stupid submissions, okay?
Wasn’t my text long enough?
How many eggs come from the back garden of Aunt Ilma?
How many eggs come from the industry I described?
#Reality loss
So you can’t continue to say how much violence is needed to take an egg out of the nest of the hen?
So you only buy animal products from animals that have been treated lovingly, say they have not been abused or killed?
Or do you just give hot air from you to continue to feel good with financing mass torture and killing of animals?
Why should he be an illusion – just so you don’t have to give up your own illusion of forced violence in animal breeding? No one denies that excessive consumption of meat leads to such outbreaks, but therefore to fall into the other extreme is not only short-sighted, but also stupid.
If you have to ask this question, you live in an illusion from the loving farm. I’d like to talk to you…
First of all, laying hens must be bred. Of course you only need the female. Until recently, in DE, the male chicks were shredded millions by living bodies. Now they are simply shredded in the egg, although they have already developed pain receptors. Or you let them live for a few months, you have to kill them. Excess female chicks that are not bought and chicks that would slip in nature with the help of their mother and are already fully developed are also shredded. Apart from the fact that 40% of the eggs you can buy in the shop are from the Netherlands, where chick shredders are not prohibited.
The laying hens live an ugly life. They have only 30 x 30 cm space in the stable, which is hardly larger than they themselves are large. Organic chickens also have only 40 x 40 cm. Organic and outdoor farms must offer the chickens an outlet. This is often hardly used by the animals, as they only feel safe under bushes and trees, but not under the open sky. If you buy an egg from a laying hen from organic holding, it can be that this hen still lives in soil keeping. Eggs in finished products usually originate from the particularly terrible cage posture.
The hens are also kept in unbelievably large herd sizes. A maximum herd size of 3000 hens is actually prescribed. This is also always irritated and already means long-term stress for the animals. Unfortunately, this border is tricked by building huge halls which are divided with fences into compartments with 3000 chickens each. Over half of the laying hens live in farms with over 50,000!!! Animals. Bio, by the way, is just as mass animal husbandry as conventional.
The animals are also overgrown. The last ancestor of the man-grown housecock is the bankivahuhn. These lay up to 20 eggs a year and can be captive up to 30 years old. Modern laying hens lay 300 eggs a year, which is an enormous burden for their bodies. You only have a life expectancy of 3-4 years! Common egg laying often leads to health problems. Inflamed cloaks, contagious eggs, etc. They’re breeding.
Achja, as they naturally develop behavioral disorders in this life, they will cut the beaks as chicks. Without anaesthesia, of course. So they’re getting a little bit of each other.
After 1.5 years, the laying power of the hens leaves. This means for the industry that they are consumed and worthless. So they are killed, 10% of them without proper anesthesia.
And that wasn’t all I could have told.
With me not sure who you agree with your comment and what you want to say.
I would wait for an angry mob to rise to Berlin and besiege the Bundestag until they have abolished the ban.
There are simply too many people who do not want to give up meat as a basic food, especially since vegetarian and vegan alternatives are neither tasty nor healthy. Moreover, they are far too expensive because they consist mainly of water and fat.
I used to grab myself and bought vegan Cevapcici from a well-known manufacturer. They tasted so beautiful that I ate a stick and threw the remaining 6 pieces away.
Is that the only thing you’ve ever eaten, which is vegan and then you’re generalizing that,sorry just ridiculous!And why shouldn’t it be healthy? Who claims that? Then tell us what’s not healthy, but as always, no more…
is not a big change. More precisely, no ;D
I’ll do that.
No more meat for more than 10 years,noone needs meat to stay healthy so?
Shopping in the neighboring countries where you have a little bit less banged.
sun black coat also tastes
Would you like to see that you are happy that others do the dirty work for you!
you’re confused. The whole population would not work. I’m coming out with hunted meat forever for my own use. It’s not a problem.
Of course it would go only if everyone had to eat much less meat and fish…
Ignore the ban.
Don’t be a big drama.
Be right
Go to the barricades and protest!
Eat fish.
I don’t like the meat fan
Hůhnchen with rice? You are a motor sportsman
So? If you need meat, besides motor sports!
have I eaten so much in my life so you can hunt me now xD