What would be the worst that could happen if, for example, a child (8 years old) watched porn every day?

It's just a curiosity question.

I don't have any children and I don't know anyone who does that.

I'd simply be interested to know what effect this could have on a child's psyche at such a young age. Because porn is only for those over 18 and not suitable for younger teenagers, I'd like to know what would happen if such a young child watched it.

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2 years ago

Be careful to see if it would talk to someone or could and who would be. The big brother, the equal friend, the mom, the grandpa, the teacher, the neighbor?

The child would probably not understand a lot in the movie. Others would misinterpret. It could indicate violence in places where it is not meant and thus, if necessary. Fear of having sex. It could also be influenced for later by thinking what would be shown in these films would be the expectation of later partners. It would also be very important for the film and the way of playing that would be shown there.

At least the child would be left alone with questions, probably insecure and would have a distorted expectation for future sexual relations.

In the worst case, it would try to implement what it has seen with peers or disciples and to harm them.

On the other hand, if a responsible truste would explain the content, it would be certain that there is a lot of misunderstanding as a child, that it would not yet be prepared that this does not correspond to the reality shown there, not to be regarded as a point of reference for later, that such a thing should not make children together and that it would later see the film if it were willing to do so with completely different eyes.

It would also be very strong on the content of the film. If there were “only sex” mediated, sexual violence, bondage or similar, how would the female and male image be, there would be aspects independent of the sex that the child could insecure etc.?

There are three biographies of adults who were severely abused as children. Victoria Spry, Christopher Spry and Alloma Gilbert.

Among other things, these children – who were most severely abused, with day-to-week food deprivation, blows, etc. – were forced to look at horror films in the middle of the night in the primary school age and they were told that the apocalypse would look out soon.

Since this happened together with the abuse mentioned, which was still much more intense than described here and lasted from preschool to higher puberty age, one can of course not say what influence the films had had on their own, but there was already a clear, continuing fear. These films were deliberately used by the adoptive mother to make children more comfortable. Apparently, she had deliberately read books on torture methods, etc., to apply them to her adoptive children (always).

In this context, it could be assumed that, for example, hardcore p-nos with violent representations could permanently insecure a child and cause him nightmares and could permanently influence his idea of sexuality if no one discusses this content with him.

Especially if the child himself had no idea of sexuality at all and would only be “educated” by these films.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tasha

Very nice answer!

2 years ago

This is a very abstract scenario! But I try to imagine.
The first thing that comes to mind is that a child with eight years doesn’t know anything about it, I guess. It would just wonder what they’re doing on the screen. 😉

This would not change if it were to see such films every day. Only in any reaction from the outside, if it were caught, would get vaccinated and one would feel guilty about what it looks like, as it always says.

I would explain it with an example: A child takes a rainworm in his hand without an eclectic, may find fun how he feels and winds on his hand and only through the reaction of others who eclectic themselves, it will learn to react even similar to rainworms.

If consumption would last longer (still based on the fact that there is no reaction from the outside – completely speculative so), the child will become older and begin to be interested in the body and sexuality, consumption would be absolutely harmful and disturbing. Because porn has nothing to do with reality, but are adapted by filmmakers to specific adult needs.
Is this about your question?
And I hope not to be stoned here for my thought experiment by adults!

2 years ago

The child would build a completely false picture of normal sexuality and would be totally disturbed in his sexual orientation.

What Dan also has a very negative impact on his relations.

It ends with binding ant and toxic.

Also find it in youth and adults, partly exaggerated and not really healthy.

2 years ago

If the child doesn’t take this too seriously or it doesn’t try to live like that, it’s my opinion after okay that the psyche is in porn if at all the problem and not the porn itself it’s the people who take these too seriously and then become “sick” because the psyche eh wasn’t right. So I think it’s up to the person. Of course, in such an age, it can go wrong when it grows up and nobody tells you this isn’t the nrom. I started so early as 9 or 10 the first and meanwhile bored me more and only makes me conditionally horny it will eventually be drained out like everything in life and then is good with it.

2 years ago

Children get a totally wrong idea what sex is and how to be sex.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarleyQuinn383

The child does not come along, that love and sexuality belong together,the child is disturbed then,wrong picture develops sex is consumption.

2 years ago

Even if you sound hard, you should not leave the child unattended with other children until it is 13. After that, the child can get eventuel potency problems because with 15 knutschen and reins is no longer enough. Uvm

2 years ago
Reply to  HarleyQuinn383

Not that the child wants to do something

2 years ago
Reply to  RiddickBln

You don’t know if the child would experience these movies as a target or horror. Whether it wanted to implement it or avoid it at any cost. It could also get fear of sex because it would misunderstand the representations as violence.

2 years ago

These are the ones with 13 butt plugs that think the biggest and reject any nourishing natural sex.