Was würde passieren, wenn von jetzt auf gleich alle Menschen vegan leben?
Frage steht oben. Damit ist gemeint, wie schnell und auch generell die Lebensmittelindustrie verändern würden.
Bin heute schnell 2 Stunden gewandert. Bei meinem serzeitigen Gewicht( Übergewicht) stehen 700 verbrauchte Kalorien an,kommt das hin?
Ist es schlimm 85 gramm salzbrezeln zu essen? Innerhalb 30 Minuten
Passt die Zusammenstellung? 4 große Sushi mit Lachs 6 Calefornia Rolls mit Avokado und Garnele 0,5 Paprika 20g Cashews 1 Neoh Riegel
Geben Veganer ihren Tieren Futter mit Fleisch? Was denkst du?
What would happen?
It would break a great famine.
Because there would be no more animals from alleged animal love.
Scenario 1: The animals continue to live until their end of life. Then the number of animals increases because animals continue to be born.
In cows and pigs, the number of animals can well double. These animals have only half as much space in their trunks. This increases animal suffering.
On the other hand, the double number of animals also wants to eat twice. Nowadays, we are supposed to use 80% of the agricultural area for animal food worldwide. Then 160%.
The rest is not enough for all people. Some of them will have to starve well or badly.
Scenario 2: The vegans kill all farm animals so that there is no famine, and the animals will not be tortured and exploited at any moment of their lives.
Just don’t tell me that the pig dies happier when it is slaughtered on instructions from the vegans.
Then the environment would suffer, because if the farm animals were missing, the variety of cultivated plants goes back, fewer insects caused by fewer cows, fewer birds, because fewer insects are to raise their boys…
Summary: Animal suffering would increase, and the farm animals would then be exterminated.
However, since you did not ask for a transitional period, “in which only no farm animals are reared,” animals would have to be slaughtered and eaten, so that there are fewer animals. DAS is not compatible with the vegan idea.
“From the about five billion hectares Agricultural area available worldwide is used for animal husbandry alone for about 80 percent in the form of pasture or agricultural land.
Of: https://www.wwf de › agriculture “
Living or eating?
then no more leather belts would be bought, no more arrived in the jam and no more honey would be bought…
All no options that can be combined with the alleged animal-loving vegans.
Nothing against vegans, but it would be more sensible if we were to use fields like this
An effective cycle with maximum yield of fields.
All grazing animals would die! Man would make the food arguing to them! So the meat eaters (animals) starve. The doctors or nutritionists would be millionaires! Humans & animals are habit animals!!! A lion does not eat straw or hay & a goat or cow does not crack on the bone ;-)))
No, that’s not true. Already now a lot of grain is used as feed for cows, pigs, etc. If you no longer have these animals, you could use the food again for people,
I don’t know. But I know from that time I will slaughter pigs myself