Was würde passieren wenn man Frühstücksfleisch Frittiert?
Was würde passieren wenn man Frühstücksfleisch Frittiert?
also wenn man as aus der dose nehmen würde und in
die friteuse schmeissen würden ? oder bei weniger fett
in den air fryer ? würdet ihr sowas mal probieren zu essen ?
You’d get a meal that you wouldn’t have any cooking skills.
Be careful. If there is something on the can from E250 or Peel salt, nitric salt or sodium nitrite, then by heating in the friteuse (from 180° C.), you reach that carcinogenic poisons form, so-called nitrosamines.
The LDL Cholesterol, Transfette and Free Radicals will be in your body business in the next hours.
Not good. From and to Soul Food yes, but always, no, this is perverse
Unless we would still live in the Middle Ages and burn 2000 calories in the field work in the morning.
My mother panicked breakfast meat in my childhood and roasted it in fat (so almost fried) … in my memory it tasted very well, without panade I don’t think that’s going to keep it together so well.
Then a toxin cocktail is created, which reduces life expectancy at regular consumption 🦀🦀💀
It all gets better by fritting.
So would they do it?
Yes, why not.
Then it would become lunch meat..
Then the fat is sprayed through the bud.