Was würde passieren, wenn man ein Paket an sich selbst adressiert und es nicht annimmt?

Dann geht das Paket zurück zum Absender, der man aber selbst ist. Was passiert, wenn man es dann wieder nicht annimmt?

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2 years ago

Then the package is inaccessible.

You’ll get another letter if you really don’t want to take it back.

If you agree, the shipment will become the property of the parcel service provider and will either be destroyed or the content will be sold.

2 years ago

Then you just put it in front of the door or the part lands in the Nirvana.

2 years ago

Then the package messenger throws the pack on the floor and tramples with an irresistible look around it until it is flat like a plate and goes with triumping smile from then and is satisfied with itself and the world.

2 years ago

If the sender refuses to accept the package, it will be stored. The costs of storage shall be borne by the sender.

2 years ago

Then you get a fat cost bill from the post