Was würde passieren wenn ich meinen Flug verpasse?

Hallo Leute, was würde passieren wenn ich z.b. beim Flug verpassen würde und kein Geld habe für ein neues Ticket!! Würde ich jetzt in einen anderen Land obdachlos sein??

PS: das ist nur ein gedankenspiel!!!!

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3 years ago

Japp, that would be the case if you don’t find anyone who buys you a ticket.

That’s why you never travel without credit cards.

3 years ago

If you miss it yourself, you have to somehow collect the money together to buy a new ticket when (!) You have booked a fare that does not allow rebooking.

If you miss, because the delivery flight was too late, the airline responsible for it must provide a replacement transport. At least according to European travel law. As with any airlines and routes outside Europe, I cannot say secured.

3 years ago

You can go to the message and ask for help. They find a solution.

3 years ago
Reply to  LinusMemdos

Why? If you’re in debt, there’s no message to you.

3 years ago
Reply to  STS120

Are you the message, or where do you want to know that?
Despite this, our messages don’t think as short as you are.

3 years ago
Reply to  STS120

But, do the message – and then you will get an invoice from the Federal Foreign Office with the further burden of the costs incurred.

3 years ago
Reply to  STS120

Of course. Anyone who is “stranded” abroad as a German person gets help from the message if there is no other way.

3 years ago

Depends on the exact situation. Ggfs. can be rebooked for a later flight.

3 years ago

Then someone has to buy a ticket for you. Parents or friends. As long as you have to wait at the airport or elsewhere.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frozenfox15

Maybe call his bank and ask for a small loan. the possibility to transfer the account.

3 years ago

If you didn’t have a cheap ticket, you get a place on another flight of the same company.

3 years ago
Reply to  hologence

But only if you miss a connecting flight because of delay, if you just miss it, that’s your own bad luck.

3 years ago
Reply to  STS120
3 years ago
Reply to  hologence

certainly not, the ticket is falling.

3 years ago
Reply to  peterobm
3 years ago
Reply to  hologence

Well, only if you had booked a rebookable rate and the rebooking was done before departure. Those who want to rebook after missing the flight will simply have had bad luck with most airlines and most rates.

3 years ago

it helps to awaken the goodwill of the airline.

3 years ago

my experience comes from the business class of Lufthansa in the 90s. If you had a senator card like me, something like that was possible, I guess.

3 years ago

but only if your ticket is rebookable. If you don’t, you need the airline’s cunning.

3 years ago

Missing home flight abroad, I understand the question

3 years ago

If you have no other way of organizing your home trip, you will contact the agency (e.g. Embassy) of your home country.

You would probably be deported sooner or later without a residence permit.

3 years ago

When I was 18 I missed my flight in Afghanistan and had to buy a new one. But since I didn’t have much money at that time, I waited until I got a cheap ticket.

If we now assume that money could not be raised, there would be the possibility to go to the message. But if this is not available in the country (as in Afghanistan), you can definitely get help by phone.

3 years ago

then you should think who you can borrow money from. sleeping in an outdoor skiing holiday is for A..ch 😉

3 years ago

Anyone who wants to travel should have enough money for incidents and not sew everything on edge. Midless failed emigrants land daily in FRA in a collecting station, get H4, what else? Not accommodation first.