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Driving without driving permission, parking of the vehicle.
Or, depending on the year of construction, nothing of that. Why do you always have to worry about it, even though the facts are not clear? Is such a trend of modernity, which is quite on my nuts, and affects not only you, but almost all here.
At ner Simpson it is clear that the race is allowed. But a scooter?
50 kmh including 10 percent tolerance makes 55 kmh. How to inform contemporary roller magazines, of which I usually lie around in the cellar, virtually all vehicles of this time ran as fast as possible from work. From the beginning of 2002, this decadent EU came 45 kmh without tolerance.
Did they thirteen so fast?
Also scooters. By the end of 2001 there were 55 kmh. The tachometers usually have so much advance that “Tacho 70” is not rare. Legal and mobile with the AM from 15 or 16 years!
If you’re lucky, nothing, many policemen don’t care, at least with me in the area.
Otherwise either
A. On site measured and the license plate removed (in Austria we say “Taferlriss”)
or B. the take part
Penalty and possibly. Driver lock depending on speed
Driving without driver’s licenses, driving and type-approval, without valid insurance cover.
Can even bring you prison. Besides, you don’t see your driving license anymore and that’s good.
Jaya’s dream
This is not a dream, but reality. People like you endanger others’ lives.
As a prospective police officer, one should know that there are very well small motorcycles that can run legally 60 km/h. Since he didn’t call the year of construction, you should first ask for this before you get rid of it. It would also be conceivable that it is a vehicle that can still run 50 km/h plus 10 % (by the end of 2001) and has “measured” to Tacho. Due to the often clear preliminary run, the partly “Tacho 70” shows at true 55 km/h.
At this point, I’m really happy that prosecutors and judges decide not police officers.
Finally a more reasonable
3 years ago but Digga did you ever ride a motorcycle or moped it is much more dangerous to drive in a 60’s zone 45 km/h than in traffic normal to swim with you hero Digga something for jail where you live.
Thank you, but I don’t see myself as reasonable, but as fact-oriented. The rest here is more about opinions, wants to create fears.
If you get caught, you’re not laughing anymore.
I hope you don’t mean serious
To do this, the police would have to go with your scooter to say that and they won’t do that first. Then it also depends on how the cops are just on it and how normal you are wrong. If you tell them you’ve freed the scooter, they can’t be different from you. So don’t say it’s okay.
Yes but you have to be afraid that they have been tested
What test do you mean?
? If I see this is a 50-wheeler and he’s driving 60 in front of me, I don’t need a test stand.
You saw the video?
Fits in every trunk..
And drive them behind you or see how you move past another roller then they can also (of course, at your expense) let it get to the Tüv by a tow truck and let you pluck. This all at the end of course at your expense!
That’s how they caught me 40 years ago. The plan of my friend ran only 30 and I wanted to go ahead, so gas was given..
After I had taken him about 100m, I saw the police VW bus…
We have to move home, then we have all taken up there, all added to me! (This saves money and costs for experts)
Advertisement for driving without a driving permit, tuning parts (arms, sprockets, gear rim, carburetor nozzle) after rebuilt, a few months later the appointment with the youth judge and my penalty is cashed.
And you think that’s all looser today?
Keep dreaming!
Every PI has something like that. This is the same structure and, as has already been said, in an urgent case, the box is simply locked in without a test bench.
They don’t have a device everywhere. Before school maybe…
Who’s still dreaming about it today, the police have to “drive”?
The only thing that goes behind and is already enough to justify a control and testing
I wrote, “how the policeman is.” The can, but must not happen
There are mobile test benches for this. Things fit together easily into a VW bus.
In the event of a suspicion, the police simply collect the scooter and leave a reviewer Ran. This can be done quickly
Yes, if you get into such a “Fall”, you’ve probably had bad luck, but it’s not that they have such a device. That’s what they’re doing before school or something…
They have some in the trunk and are ready for use in minutes.
Ah yes, hard times –
Depends on the year of construction of the scooter. And from the tachometer deviation.
This means you’ve modified something on the scooter and so it’s driving without a driving permit.
Means fine and very likely driving license lock for 2 years.
Nem colleague ran the thing 78 on the roll… 500€ Penalty but no driver lock
Depends on whether you are already known:
But everything is possible.
Njet, this absoluteistic statement can almost be called a lie.
I have a Simson S51 Enduro, which is allowed to drive legally 60Km/h and also for this one AM. The same also applies to the swallow.
Tacho shows almost 70, GPS says 65. Pass.
This applies only to GDR scooters. Westroller was allowed to drive 50 until BJ 2001. Real, they usually drove 55-60, nothing yet.
But only until now, in 2001, the EU directive is allowed to drive only 45 and even those are not achieved, because the manufacturers take the tolerance down.
I’d never get a scooter that’s newer than in 2001.