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3 years ago

It stands and falls with the plot. It should be 500 x 500 m, i.e. 25,000 m2. Do we take 10 € /m2? such a price can be reached for a field on the plate land.

A meter road costs 11,300 € according to the Ministry of Finance NRW, which would be € 1,500 meters

So Summa Summarum is 17.2 million.

Have fun!

3 years ago

Puh, interesting question. I did not even think about that. My children have their own GoKarts by GoKart Profi and they also have their own GoKart train, so we always go there. But by your question, I have only become aware of how complicated and expensive it is to build a GoKart railway. I’d think you should plan at least 250K if the train should be high quality.

3 years ago

You need to buy the property, in the country as a commercial area maybe 150,000 euros.

Without roofing outside: asphalting, marking, protection planks… again 75,000 should be enough.

3 years ago

It’s hard to say. Depends on the property price.

3 years ago

> 500 tonnes