Was würde mich ein Dienstwagenkosten?


Ich habe eine Frage zum Thema Dienstwagen. Ich würde mir gerne einen Dienstwagen haben aber haben etwas Angst vor Kosten, da ich mich nicht damit auskenne. Ich bin bis jetzt fast alle Strecken mit meinem Privaten Auto gefahren und war/bin auch sehr glücklich damit, aber ein Kollege von mir hat sich letztens einen Dienstwagen bestellen können und da bin ich auf die Idee gekommen, mir wohl auch einen zu holen. Meine Frage wäre jetzt wie viel mich so ein Fahrzeug kosten würde, wir dürfen den dann auch im privaten Bereich nutzen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jan

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4 years ago

It’s extremely hard on how you feel….

As you say, it sounds like a service car in the frame of 1% scheme you will find a lot on Google.

As an alternative, there is a possibility of Cars without private use so I can not use my transporter (workshop car) legally But for this he will be provided absolutely free as an absolutely pure work tool. Theoretically, I even let him stand in the lunch break and should not even turn to a supermarket or baker on the way home, but also has the advantage that I must be stamped on my trips = paid working time ;D

How the whole thing is actually handled is a different thing, legal is how I do it certainly prohibitions….

But if you write that your colleague has ordered “a car”…

He’s got a 2. Car he only wants to use for the job? Then he would have to pay the whole of his own because the boss has nothing to do with it.

3 years ago

There’s a super Android app: “Services calculator”. Then you have to enter your salary and list price of the car and the app calculates it.

4 years ago

I drove a car for three years. Take a car with us. The condition was that you would drive from home to the customer. However, if you travel to the service every day, it is no longer a service car. You can then lease with the 1% scheme. You should also work outside your office. Costs for a service car are not incurred. Private use is excluded.

4 years ago

Taxes and social contributions on 1% of the list price

But as you write it, it seems strange to me: “I’ll get one…” I.d.R., this is dependent on the function and it is set. “Simply select” whether car or not there is normally no

4 years ago

The employer would have to offer it first. If this is the case, a company car you can use privately would be a “value advantage for you”. You therefore have to tax 1% of the list price of this vehicle per month.

4 years ago

You have to ask your employer for this, no one can know.