Waß wurde in der Altsteinzeit erfunden und wann?
Ich habe etwas recherchiert und leider keine Informationen gefunden, die mir Auskunft gegeben haben darüber, was genau in der Altsteinzeit erfunden wurde. Man findet leider immer wieder Quellen die entweder über die Jungsteinzeit ging, oder über die Steinzeit generell. Weiß jemand, was in der Altsteinzeit erfunden wurde und vielleicht sogar wann?
Small nomad groups live as collectors and hunters
People live in groups of 20 to 30 people who feed on hunting and collecting edible plants. They are nomads and cover large routes throughout the year. They have been accompanied by dogs for 30 000 years. The dead are welcome in caves. Tents from animal skins offer protection against the weather in the camps, probably also on the Rütihard with its magnificent view of the distance. From here, the hunters can observe the reindeer and wild-horse herds that move through the Rhine and Birstal. It is hunted with spear and spearhead.
The homo erectus reaches the region
Objects made of bast, wood, leather or animal tendons have not been preserved. The most important raw material is stone. The oldest devices are made up of barley, so-called chopper or chopping tools. A man of the genus Homo erectus – ‹ upright man› – produces the fist wedge of Pratteln, prepared from a rather large tube from Silex (‹Feuerstein›). With an age of at least 300 000, it is Switzerland’s oldest dating tool, created by human hand.
The Neanderthal is a specialist in ice age
The Neanderthals better use the material: they split off sharp-edged chips from a syex tube to create different tools. These are known, for example, from the Schalberghöhle near Pfeffingen, from Munichstein, Liesberg and Roggenburg.
The modern person leaves early versatile traces of his life in the region
At the end of the ice age, modern people live in our region, Homo sapiens sapiens. He further refines the stone tools and develops differentiated artistic forms of expression. In the Ermitagehöhle near Arlesheim, painted gravel is deliberately smashed and then deposited. They may be a kind of ‹soul stones›, seats of ancestors. Perforated fossil snail and mussel shells or animal teeth, hung or sewn onto the leather clothing, are well served beyond the ornament as protective amulet.
Findings about Altsteinzeit
Source: https://www.museum.bl.ch/blog/blog.php?blogid=21
Thanks for the star
Why didn’t you find anything?
When I enter “Altsteinzeit” in Google, a lot comes to the Altsteinzeit (Paläolithikum) > click <
See here > Tools and equipment of the old stone period – fist wedges and scrapers
And here > Tools and weapons
Or here: tool old stone time simply explained – light bowl
The fist wedge. There was no book about the timepiece of the invention. Scripture was not invented yet.
Thank you.
Better fist wedge spears