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The choice is not difficult for me: Vanillekipferl.
I love speculative, especially spices. I’ll get extra supplies for the season, so I’ll get back to the beginning of the next season. But these are spices. No butterspeculatius or variants with almonds. And don’t guarantee chocolate, just this combination doesn’t excite me at all.
Vanillekipferl are also delicious and for the season I also like them. You’re not one of the things I need all year round. From time to time, those outside the row are completely ok.
Speculatius sounded good, but the dark chocolate destroyed it.
I like speculative, but not a tender chocolate.
Change both. Schmatz.
I’ve been thinking. 😁
Sounds good.
None of them, I’m a ham bread or one with smoked salmon prefer 😉😋
I’m not a fan of Vanillekipferl.