Was wünscht Ihr euch zu Weihnachten?
Seitdem ich aus dem kindlichen Alter herausgewachsen bin, fällt es mir von Jahr zu Jahr schwerer mir etwas zu Weihnachten/Geburtstagen etc zu wünschen. Wenn ich etwas brauch, kaufe ich es mir selber, und wenn ich es nicht dringend/unbedingt brauche, dann muss mir das auch keiner schenken bzw. sinnlos evt. Geld ausgeben.
Leider besteht meine Familie auf Geschenke.
Also, was wünscht Ihr euch? 😀
I’m just about to change my room. So everything that is broken / badly damaged is exchanged. Mainly only furniture and decorative items 😀
I know.
This year, I really have something: I wish an electric brush.
Household items can always be given good 🙂
I only wish for events and book vouchers.
i.e. joint activities, food going, excursions, opera etc.
I feel like it, my children are also grown up and are in life. Have a good job and I don’t know what to give them. They said they didn’t know what to want.
Then you don’t want to say anything better. so the donors have the problem, not you.
If you know your family very well, do as the children of my girlfriend: You often want “family time” It was already a holiday in the resin, a night of practice in the tree house or something else.
I have a birthday just before Christmas. That’s why I usually get a gift for both. This year I wish a concert card and new guitar strings.
I wish
You can never have enough books.
I got it. Let me surprise you
I wish my father’s new winter tires for the car!
By Playmobil? Cool
I wish this great ooni kitchen scale
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