Was wollt ihr unbedingt mal ausprobieren /machen?
Was wollt ihr unbedingt mal machen im Leben? Irgendwas ausgefallenes oder verrücktes
Was wollt ihr unbedingt mal machen im Leben? Irgendwas ausgefallenes oder verrücktes
Hi, 8 Stunden sturmfrei und weiß nicht was ich machen kann. Hat jemand Ideen? Zocken die ganze Zeit ist langweilig
Was sind eure vorsätze? Bei mir bessere noten
Was ist euer Lieblingswetter?
Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen, ob ihr TelegramGruppen kennt, so man spaß habe kann unterhalten etc. Ohne Fakes, wo ganze Zeit Nacktbilder aus dem Internet gepostet werden? Ein bisschen schärfe etc. Ist okay macht ja auch spaß aber suche irgendeine gruppe ohne fakes. Danke
Have already done some things from my bucket list, but there are still a lot of things missing – for example, see northern lights, make a walking ride, but also have things like a dog or own a piece of land.
Real cool stuff for your Bucket list 😊
Thank you. What about you?
The best way to get around the world, to the Versuvius,
I always wanted to swim with a shark. So sweet whale sharks say hello or something.
I don’t think that’s true
Never give up, everything can come true.
Very cool and really sweet. Are also really cool animals
Yeah, that would be cool. But with such a really big white shark🦈
That’s a big deal. There’s something I’d hate
Yes, you never know how to react
Yes, only experienced divers should swim without a cage with sharks.
This will definitely be in a cage caliber️
Maybe in a cage or something
Explore caves
but with my claustrophobia I can’t.
Vlt you can eventually overcome them and make it your gift to yourself 😊
Bungee Jumping.
But only after a “there can no longer happen, as with nem healthy” opinion of my treating transplant clinic
Cool, I want to do that too.
I wish you good luck that it works and what will calibrate
I would like to jump from a high cliff to the wild lake.
I didn’t think so.
Should I create a so-called list?
Do it anyway and you have a lot of time for it 😊
Safari in Africa