Was will ein Psychologe bei einer MPU hören?

Wegen Alkohol

Und wegen Verkehrsdelikten.

Bitte keine Moralapostel.

Was sagt man in so einem Gespräch, um diese Person zu überzeugen.

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1 year ago

A medical-psychological examination (MPU) is intended to identify the suitability of a person for driving a vehicle, in particular if he has previously committed traffic offences or had alcohol-related problems. A psychologist who carries out the MPU has the task of assessing the psychological stability, willingness to take responsibility and willingness to change.

I can give the following general recommendations, what a psychologist wants to hear during a MPU and how to prepare for it:

1. Take insight and responsibility: See understanding the severity of your traffic offences or your alcohol problem. Take full responsibility for your actions and show that you have learned from it.

Two. Demonstrate that you have taken measures to change your behaviour and address the causes of your problems. Describe the steps you have taken to improve your attitude and behavior.

3. Detection of abstinence and progress: When there are alcohol-related problems, it is important to demonstrate sustainable abstinence. A longer period of abstinence and, if appropriate, the detection of participation in a self-help group or therapy can strengthen your credibility.

4. Future risk avoidance: Describe which strategies you have developed to avoid relapsed behavior. Show that you are aware of how you react in difficult situations and how you will stay away from risky behavior.

Five. Support network emphasize: If you have a supportive social network, be it friends, family or professional support, mention this. It shows that you do not have to deal with your problems alone and that you can rely on people who support you in your progress.

6. Positive future plans: Sign up your positive plans for the future, both with regard to your personal development and your relationship with traffic safety. Show that you have used your experience as a learning opportunity and that you are striving to be a responsible driver.

7. It is important to be honest and sincere and to answer the questions of the psychologist openly and respectfully. Each case is individual and there is no guarantee that these recommendations lead to a certain result. However, good preparation, professional support and willingness to personal change can help leave a positive impression.

1 year ago
Reply to  RammleYanko

That’s exactly what was written under the first question, just something different. But you didn’t understand

1 year ago
Reply to  RammleYanko

My answer under your last identical question was hermetically rejected, so I have re-formulated them so that you can understand the principle.

This answer is exactly the same as my last one with unnecessary misery.

1 year ago
Reply to  MagisterSamael

You can’t describe it better.

1 year ago

What can the platform do if you’re too stupid to know good answers to him?

1 year ago

I guess I’ll have to wait for helpful answers.

You’ll have to give it to yourself.

1 year ago

The result is then the best for all parties.

Except for the MPU staff, I’m sorry.

1 year ago

I can only repeat: go right into the MPU, you don’t understand what the psychologist wants from you. The result is then the best for all parties.

1 year ago

So now ChatGPT thinks I’m a consultancy-resistant alcoholic who drives crash drunk car and has to go to MPU?


1 year ago

For him already

1 year ago

You don’t understand the answers. The question is very simple. When I wake up my 11-year-old son and show him your questions and answers, I can assume that he understood both after 3-5 minutes.

1 year ago

So this answer is wrong again or how?

1 year ago

No moral apostles.

As I hear from your numerous comments, you can save the money for the MPU.

Either you do a complete acting training before, or you’ve already lost when you go through the door.

But I can tell you that they don’t have to let anyone fall through to make money, because they don’t have to be delayed.

When I passed MPU, the psychologist finally asked me if I had to ask.

I asked her if she thinks I’d drink again.

The answer was:

“I don’t know they’ll drink anymore because they know they’ll put their lives at stake, not just their driver’s license.”

To this day she was right.

In order to achieve this result you need the corresponding life story and you need to be convinced of it yourself.

They’ve had countless such conversations, and they know when someone believes what he says.

They also know that most of them soon have forgotten what it is and that they will drink and drive again.

But you can also tell them, with appropriate preparation, what they can accept, that you have made real thoughts about your alcohol consumption, and you will behave differently in the future.

But you’re miles away from that.

1 year ago

A good psychologist hears ‘between the lines’. He realizes if what you say is honest or just learned for the MPU because you think you have to say the right thing.

1 year ago

A friend was also at the Mpu, they wanted to trick you and said something like “You are a funny person, maybe we can go away together?” As I understood, it is asked if you were going to celebrate a lot, or if you were going to go with a beer. Please pay attention and best to say, “I’m learning through my mistake, I’m driving with the taxi” or the way..

1 year ago
Reply to  Kittikat875

I think a studied psychologist is quite able to see when he is lying.

1 year ago

That is precisely why I have not yet tried to explain what one has to pay attention to. It wouldn’t have a purpose because you wouldn’t understand.

1 year ago

Only if you don’t know what to pay attention.

1 year ago

So? Nevertheless, their lies are clearly recognizable

1 year ago

You think that 😉

1 year ago

I know. Even I know when I’m lied. There are a number of signs for this.

1 year ago

Well, at best, that you have failed the alcohol and because of the lack of impulse control is very successful in treatment.

But that should also be true.

1 year ago

The Truth

You can try to bubble and talk everything nicely, but the bites hung up

1 year ago
Reply to  RammleYanko

If that’s how I’d be happy with the world I live in

1 year ago

It was not specifically said what to say.

I have to leave for a minute when I’m back, I’ll write to you what you have to say.

1 year ago

You obviously have no idea what he wants to hear.

Right I have absolutely no idea what they want to hear and I am also convinced that they want to do just right ashes with the MPUs.

Irony off.

And what I am still convinced is that you will make a lot of ashes and that you will be reliant on bus and train for a long time.

There were good answers to you here, what you’re doing is your thing.

1 year ago

They are not about the truth

Right. How do they know what happens in the future?

It’s about whether they have the impression, through your presentation that you will have in the future probably no longer drink when you’re in front of driving.

Your story and how you bring it over is all alone responsible for how probably the that keeps it.

With the idea you’re delivering here, it’s 0 percent.

1 year ago

Yeah, you’ll get them.

You won’t get anything.

You’re going to be merciless and drive home by bike.

1 year ago


The problem is just that they also remember how you are

1 year ago

You should keep something like that for you when you are questioned

1 year ago

What you have to sell to them is that you are a good person who has committed a mistake

Sounds easy but not

1 year ago

Of course, they are not about the truth

But if you don’t tell the truth and this is a sales conversation for you, then you will be able to sell what you say or you will be so hard taken apart that you never dare to conceal the truth again

They think they could sell their talk well, but I rarely hear from court negotiations where it was called “has worked well”

1 year ago

What do you mean know?

I didn’t study jura if you mean

I know what a cell looks like from the inside.

Is more of a point of view whether you know or not

1 year ago

Just tell the truth and don’t talk bullshit when you’re questioned

1 year ago

I would have said that I had become Muslims and would never drink alcohol again.

1 year ago
Reply to  User13372718

That would then be a lie that is so easy to understand that the MPU has ended after 30 seconds.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

How good I don’t drink alcohol and not even behind the tax 🙃

1 year ago

It still applies exactly what has been answered in the previous question. The psychologist wants to hear the truth. You lie or start telling stories, it was for you. Besides, he’ll talk to you about what happened. But all this was answered to you earlier and you didn’t want to hear that