Was wenn jmd gegen Fleisch essen und Benzin Autos ist aber AKW für Lösung der Energiekriese / grüne Energie hält?
Mein Bruder (ich bin 37 und er 24) macht mir Vorwürfe wegen meinem Lebennstil, da ich ein Benziner fahren und Fleisch esse.
Ich sollte Rad und S-Bahn fahren.
Gleichzeitig hält er AKW´s für die Lösung der Energieprobleme.
Was denkt Ihr darüber?
He should rather deal with the co2 output of the super rich and wonder why this is never thematized.
Climate change is now only a clear debate
We urgently need new nuclear power plants (or only the reactors) as CO2 free energy suppliers to switch off the deadly coal blocks (10000000 tonnes CO2 per year and 1GW block).
If the renewables increase at some point, the reactors can also be reduced.
That he was better informed about AKWs and you could think about a change of behaviour.
That your brother is just right.
With what?
With all his arguments.
What about that?
That’s the best garbage ever possible.
Small and compact, and well located. No problem – of course only outside Germany, so only where no AKW-Panik. So in almost every state on earth – except Germany.
What about radioactive waste from the AKWs?