Was waren eure Erfahrungen mit dem Carlsen Verlag?

Als junge Autorin würde ich gerne mein Buch veröffentlichen. Ich habe mich schon über den Carlsen Verlag informiert, wollte jedoch vor Einsendung des Manuskripts nach den Erfahrungen anderer fragen.

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2 years ago

I can’t say that.

It is important that you do not fall into a ” grant publisher” where the transfer of a book is financed by the author. This is not so desired.


The Carlsen publisher isn’t in the list.

2 years ago

Carlsen Verlag is a good and reputable publisher.

However, reputable publishers normally have no interest in manuscripts of new, unknown authors, which can not yet present any experiences and successes.

  • Are you successful on Wattpad or A?
  • Are you successful with Selfpublishing publications?
  • Have you already successfully participated in junior authors competitions?

If not, then it is as (un) likely as a six in the lottery that a reputable publisher has interest in you and your books.
Even such geniuses like Astrid Lindgren and J.K.Rowling have always been rejected by publishers for years, until years later the breakthrough was finally achieved.

Anyway – a lot of success!


Finally, the usual Warning:

Be careful not to one of the fraudulent pseudo-disposition ! They take advantage of the situation that so many authors desperately seek a publishing house, unconsidered and shock the authors. They emerge as a reputable publisher and make inexperienced authors great (false) promises about the (probably) expected success of the (probably) supertollen book. In the end, the author is zoomed through hidden cost traps in the small print of the contract and remains at high cost in the 5-digit range and on boxes full of books that no one wants.

2 years ago

I don’t suppose there are many young authors on the go… publishers always get a lot of manuscripts, that most of them just go back… the very least manages it up to the publication – a little luck and meet the right niche, surely also belongs to it

if you are convinced of your book, perhaps even self-publishing would be an alternative

2 years ago

I also want to publish my bich, but with carlsen no mails can be sent in. How do I make it if I chose this publisher?

2 years ago
Reply to  MagixDolphins

I’d send the exhibit by post.

2 years ago

An acquaintance is the firm conviction that both titles and contents were stolen from their manus skipt and instead entered another book of an established author. Titles actually agreed.

2 years ago

Send your work to various publishers and then see who has interest and who offers the best conditions. Depending on the content, other, smaller blows may even be more sensible?! o

Otherwise: Carlsen is a large, well-known publisher. Believe even one of the leading in Germany / Europe. Is I a Swedish publisher or something? o_O

Well! Trying is about studying. Keep in mind what requirements they have. As a rule, publishers need 10 to 20 pages as a reading sample. If you are interested, they ask for the whole work… you shouldn’t send the whole book anyway. From safety!