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Language sounds more realistic than currency.
How well this works with a single currency looks good at the euro.
As long as the benefiting countries have a similarly strong economy, this is not a big problem, but if the differences get too big, there are problems again and again.
That would be cool, but I guess it’ll never happen. Some countries are now more economically than others and, accordingly, only in a consistent way that their currency is worth more.
on the one hand, “worldwide only one language” difficult to realize would be because language is alive, changes over distance and over time, as well as through social, cultural, religious influences etc.
On the other hand, I find it a pity if there is only one language worldwide, because language is not the same language. German is not equal to German, English is not equal to English, Spanish is not equal to Spanish. Just think of the different dialects (plated, Saxon, Bavarian, etc.; British English, American English, Australian English etc.)
The diversity was lost. As is already the case in Germany with the extinct dialects, for example.
I also do not believe that there are absolutely fewer problems in the world if everyone would speak the same language. This hasn’t worked between Kain and Abel!
“All are the same, but some are the same.” (George Orwell)
If you have trouble and you really want it, you understand every other person, whether you speak the same language or not. But if one understands it “really”, it stands on another sheet.
From one language, many dialects would arise, from which new languages would arise.
That’s very good. I’d be for English and the US dollar.
nee thank deutschland has the best syncro vote
I just hear OV
and reading the underrite doesn’t bother you?
Then no system would be in
That would be too simple and beautiful to be true 😔😔😔
Then it would be a huge miracle. :