Was wäre wenn…?

Was wäre wenn man sich so gesund wie nur möglich ernähren würde? Also z.B jeden Tag alle Nährstoffe, die der Köroer braucht, abdeckt, genug Sport macht, alle chemischen Sachen mit Natürlichen austauscht usw.

Einfach das gesündeste Leben lebt, was nur irgendwie möglich ist. Welche Vorteile bringt das mit sich? Lebt man vielleicht überdurchschnittlich lang dadurch?

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9 months ago

Don’t believe, even if it’s safe. But some things aren’t inside. Gives people who drink and smoke until they are 100 and others who only live healthy then die with 40 of any crap.

9 months ago

I have been feeling for a long time that those longer lives that enjoy life are stress-free/resistance and do not take anything to heart. All diseases come from stress. Healthy nutrition can also help, but not exclusively. I think it’s the combi out of what you put in your body and how it reaps on external circumstances. It is said that you can cure 95% of all diseases yourself if you are mentally stable, active athletic and you (not necessarily healthy), but well balanced.

But in the end, fate determines how it comes. As my predecessor said, there are people who do everything for their health and die early, but others who just drink 90 years old….

9 months ago

You wouldn’t live infinitely, but your body would almost provide with the ideal amount of nutrients – probably you would have a healthy intestinal flora and would be more narrow. But cell aging, unfortunately, did not stop.

9 months ago

Yeah, you would. Unfortunately, if you don’t have exact numbers in your head, but you can also find studies.

9 months ago

Always funny when some people think chemistry is something bad.


9 months ago

The service life is not predictable. With such a way of life, you get cancer or something. The answer fails to know how long you would have lived.

But you feel physically better, that’s indisputable.

9 months ago

Do you live above average long?

Yes, statistically you live longer — in individual cases it can be different. Accidents, various types of cancer and genetics are not suitable.

It is statistically certain that the abandonment of smoking and alcohol significantly increases life expectancy.

It is statistically certain that avoiding overweight and enough movement significantly increases life expectancy.

all chemical things exchanged with natural

“Chemie” is not per se bad and “natural” not per se good. You have to look more closely.

9 months ago

Then the risk for certain cranes would be significantly reduced. However, does not mean that you cannot still suffer and/or die early.

9 months ago

You die “healed” or despair at some point….