Was wäre sinnvoller duales Studium Informatik oder Ausbildung als fachinformatiker ?


könnte wer mir bitte einen Rat geben, werde ich sehr dankbar sein 🙂

ich werde die Schule mit Realschuleabschluss verlassen ( Gymnasium Schule )

wäre es besser FOS weiter gehen und dann nach fachabi Informatik duales studieren oder eine Ausbildung als fachinformatiker machen?
bin 18 Jahre alt

interessiere ich mich an Software entwickeln

vielen Dank

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1 year ago

Hello Yahya,

for a dual study you need a dual partner. These places are usually very sought and the training is correspondingly demanding.

For dual training, you also need a dual partner, but the expectations are significantly lower than expected for a dual study.

Your question only arises when you have legitimate hopes to find a partner for studying .

Good luck!


1 year ago

I’ve been in development for more than 15 years and never had a FIAE colleague. All Ings./Infs., possibly also mathematician/physician.

In dual studies, there are not so many places, or it is only necessary to find a company that will then register you at the DH with which they cooperate. However, FH also goes with FH maturity in the field of technology.
