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Rainwater is produced by condensation, so it does not contain minerals which are essential for the body. In addition, it absorbs many pollutants from the air when falling down. Distilled water has the property of being attracted by minerals, so it can even be more harmful from a certain amount than not to drink anything.
Water from smaller rivers, on the other hand, is dangerous if no pollutants are introduced upstream or an ending animal is situated on the shore. The closer you are at the source, the cleaner is the water. There is no better drinking water around the world than directly from a mountain source. I myself drink out of the streams in mountain hikes and even pour out my supplied tap water to fill the bottle with spring water.
I wouldn’t drink Bach water unfiltered in larger quantities. Except it comes directly from the mountain and I know that there is no pasture above.
I don’t think I’d have any problem with fresh rainwater off Grosstadt. It looks different in Beijing.
The worst is standing water of any shape. Classic rain ton. Wuääch.
Original spring water is the purest and healthiest water because it is cleaned by rock layers and enriched with minerals. The water in streams and rivers additionally contains biological stuff. Thus, microorganisms, plant components and also deceased thereof. All this, however, is not harmful to human health. Water becomes inconspicuous mainly by a high proportion of feces and dead tissue of animals, or toxic algae, if one lets the human-made impurities away.
For over millennia, man has been most of his thirst.
Rain is also subject to general air pollution. If the air is a smog, also raindrops take up these smallest particles and they remain in the water when it falls to the earth. The same applies to snow, which is water in another aggregate form.
But this contamination is also minimal.
Rainwater. Water from a brook can be fatal. Only one animal must lie upstream in the water and frighten. And even if not, there are plenty of worms and all in the water.
Rainwater… maybe not from a regentonne.
I’ve been getting dead bucks out
Rainwater with some white ash to also get minerals.