Was wäre ein Grund für den Arzt?
Hallo wollte fragen welche Gründe es geben würde für den Arzt Wachstumshormone zu verschreiben außer klein wüchsigkeit oder gibt es überhaupt Gründe außer das? Leide nämlich sehr an geschlechts dysphorie und das ist eine dieser Sachen die mich sehr belasten und auch nicht loslassen
Growth hormones will not help with gender dysphoria and definitely have no indication.
You should contact an ambulance for sex dysphoria. This one has a very good reputation: https://web.ukm.de/index.php?id=kjp_species
I mean, actually, I’ve been smiling dysphoria because of my size I’m still watching the link
So your body speaks of you against your gender identity and because of your size.
However, since there are very large and very small men, the less is a problem to be treated with gender disphoria
No I’m Trans and since cis men are usually bigger than women or simply larger in my class, for example, all youngs are bigger than me and I don’t really want to explain this in depth either I can’t but it’s just a factor that makes me very stressed/stressed and dysphoric every day. Unfortunately, this “there are small men” does not help me