Was wäre die Gerechte Strafe?

Das ist ein rein hypothetisches Szenario. Aber was würdet ihr als Eltern tun, wenn euer Sohn eine Hausparty veranstalten würde, die komplett aus dem Ruder Laufen würde.

Und zwar so sehr, dass Schäden von über Vierzigtausend Euro entstanden. Nein ich hab sowas nicht selber erlebt, aber eine Story gelesen.

Anscheinend haben die Partygänger das Hauptbadezimmer zerstört und geflutet, Toilette zerstört, und das Haus geflutet. Es ging noch mehr Kaputt.

Aber was wäre die richtige Strafe wenn ein Teenager Sohn sowas machen würde?

Also wäre ich sein Vater, würde ich wahrscheinlich ihn dazu bringen, dass er einen Nebenjob holt, und er ein grossen Teil der Schäden zurückzahlt, also er müsste alles vom Lohn abgeben.

Sonst würde ich ihn unter Strikter Aufsicht setzen. Er müsste auch dabei helfen die Sauerei aufzuräumen.

Er dürfte nur noch rausgehen wenn er wirklich muss. Kein Kontakt mehr zu “Freunden”.

Wäre das zu strengt, und zu drastisch? Oder wäre das eine Gerechte Strafe?

Weil die eigentlichen Eltern in dieser Story (irgendwo in Amerika) haben danach nicht wirklich durchgegriffen.

Hätten sie durchgreifen sollen?

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1 year ago

Honestly, education has already failed in advance and, if it does not have any consequences, is immediately transferred to the single.

Of course, I would account for the vandals, not only financially, but they would have to put on hand at the first cleansing, so that you can even calculate the real damage.

I doubt that if this was so outrageous, which are still to be used at all, it is possible to put on hand. Just paying for the damage, they wouldn’t have to ask me. And together, distributed to all the guests of this wild party, where apparently no one would stop.

Going, catching. If your own chase doesn’t cooperate, I’d just put it on the streets. Enough, locks exchanged even if this would hurt me.

Last chance to finally take ownership and not just let the sauce out at the expense of others. If he were a minor, he would go to a boarding school with Spartan leadership. Because that’s not how it goes and no one goes well.

My children, if they had storm-free, we’d be sure to leave the mail. Only when we came home, everything was back to bicobello. That was the guarantee that we went on another weekend and that they belonged to the Bude.

Our daughter annoyed, but also gave the fare, that who did not help her clean up the vow, he was no longer invited. Because a friend told her that your party was here, just leave it or take care of yourself if you want to clean it up again…

Conclusion, she was her friend from Dato. We came home, knew that Ramidami was safe, only it looked like we left and was good. Our daughter then told relatively outraged that, except for the one friend who helped people a little grumpy to eliminate the nightly orgy tracks.

Yes, it may be funny if not the guarantor for a quick repetition of such a pleasure, it was already that I don’t have to clean up for a day later, but everything was okay when we came home.

It was respectful, because I didn’t just go to her room and raged around. That was her kingdom, except once.

Then I cleaned up with that daughter, my youngest, and confessed to her when she came home. If she had reacted mad. Only the opposite was the case.

I didn’t throw her away or sniff her…. made piles she could see if she still needs it or you can dispose of it. Almost empty bottles and other garbage out, sucked, took up the floors, cleaned the windows and took the laundry lying around together.

And we then tied together the stacks of magazines, etc., since they really didn’t need them anymore and from Dato she used her very, very large room, actually a mansard on two floors, alone.

Only I would have understood if she had been mad at me and yet I had to go through it. Cost me a whole day, where she huged me and thanked me….why I didn’t really count, because I was naughty, I just thought, spring sput must be now. Three-dimensional plastered and the floor is free from clothes, magazines, empty bottles etc.

I believe that education must go, with mutual respect, but also a clear tariff of demarcation. Because I also have a privacy if I do share it with everyone who lives there.

And this is due to respect, you can clearly use everything, but I will determine the order, because at least the house belongs to me. I bought it, take care of him, and so I also decide how I would like to have it.

If such a thing happens as you have described, I would ask myself where I have personally failed and whether my children are alive or after me the Flood comes over them….no idea will end up by economy and therefore awkward if they have to run themselves without the money cock of Mom and Dad.

That’s why at this point, I’d be more draconian…. out of my house…. Full year on the streets…….At least in a boarding school until I’m out of my duty and then look for myself. Unless you do an education, only eternal student can’t.

You see, I’m more brutal. Because money obviously plays only a secondary role because otherwise something could not happen at all….I’d wear my shoe, totally failed. Because otherwise such a scenario is not possible.

1 year ago

When we were young, we’ve already made bullshit and the house a little, we say re-decorated. Also included fire spots in the carpet and everything that belongs to it. but 40.000 € So expensive has never been.

The most expensive one was a Murano floor lamp, which broke when playing fishing. My father has clipped and clearly stated that she goes to my account, but also gave me the tip, the damage offense, at that time about 1,500 DM should be regressed. After all, I was almost 15, you can expect a young man to explain it.

My luck: The culprit had a family liability that took over the damage. House arrest still ghagelled, because my mother had clipped and clearly said that we shouldn’t be dead in the house.

Alleridngs a couple of bored teenagers? as well as being able to forbid a skunk from the furt or a shark from eating.

Lg, Nicki

1 year ago

If parents only give crap to their offspring and live, it’s just crap. Thus, such parents have already been punished for their negligence.

It’s a bit old when kids do something like that. In any case, however, it would be concluded with such “friends” and their parents may be responsible for the damage. Clean up and house arrest anyway. Ev. is an educational aid from the youth office sensible….otherwise the next ticket happens….

1 year ago

That he has to clean up is of course.

And I would also support the side job – with complete “learning”!

Furthermore, I would not be inclined to grant him any special privileges in the future, such as mobile phones, taxi services or licence fees.

But you can’t lock a teenager completely at home. Of course he wouldn’t be allowed to go to such parties and would have the curfew of a 10 year old!

1 year ago

too strict?

So honestly.

He’s messing up, so he’s clearing it up again, and he doesn’t have to help. No -> ER.

the same applies to damage that cannot be “cleaned”. The wage of the side job, and I would also charge him the interest for the loan.

And: The young man should first earn confidence.

This has nothing to do with strenge probes with consequence.

1 year ago

This depends on the milieu in which the whole plays. With the bites, the damage should not weigh hard and one would be proud of the talent of the youngster to throw such great parties.

I would not only get the burden on the son, but on the true hurricane. Vandlism is a crime and it must be persecuted.

1 year ago

I would show my son and his friends and ask back the sum of the involved. complain and don’t leave me alone in my house at any time. his “friends” would have absolutely no house.