Was wäre die Antwort?
Ein Gast des Hotels Wohlgemuth hat für sieben Tage
ein Einzelzimmer mit Frühstück gebucht. Am dritten
Tag seines Aufenthalts beschwert er sich über die
angeblich wiederholt schlechte Qualität des Frühstücks
und droht mit dem sofortigen Verlassen des Hotels.
Frau Wohlgemuth möchte wissen, ob der Gast aufgrund
eines schlechten Frühstücks-wenn es denn überhaupt
mangelhaft sei-so ohne weiteres aus seinem Vertrag
There is the possibility of “extraordinary termination for an important reason”. However, breakfast would have to have considerable deficiencies (e.g. mold attack or vermin, or it would have to be really inconvenient, for example because the bread slices are cracked). If only the rolls are not warm enough for him, it is not a significant deficiency.
You could perhaps compromise that you will refund him the costs of breakfast for the rest of the days and then he can get his breakfast somewhere else, for example at the baker. Otherwise, the rules for an early departure, which each hotel can define itself, simply intervene.
House task? Hotel or right?
Breakfast is a co-booked service, which is managed by the customer. You can offer the customer a different/better breakfast or offer it to minimize its room bill to the actual breakfast price. Bad breakfast does not justify the termination of the contract or leaving the hotel.
Even if he left the hotel, he would get a maximum of breakfast refunded from cunning, but not the room price. The hotel would have to do everything to stop the “miss”. Bad breakfast is very subjective.