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3€ the price that was then and I want to return.
Find that fair when everything fits. If the „Dönermann“ still makes sales, then everything is in the lot. 5€ are simply also luxury nowadays and that’s why it would be nice, but it’s not really possible.
All of it can’t be a fool. You don’t get veal meat for under 8€.
The Dönermann would make every Döner loss.
They’re also giving poultry meat.
That’s not a fool. Döner is a protected term. If he is not made with veal, he must not be called döner. That thing’s called a skewer of meat of Döner kind.
Oh yes what is the one with these new liver cheeses “döner” that should be fully trendy. Doesn’t interest them in Bavaria either.
With such scars, they don’t stop at all, much too unimportant.
By the way, since there is this ridiculous Döner regulation, Döner tastes in Thuringia to Bratwurst. All of them.
There’s only the Germans coming on such a circus.
In Austria this is completely normal
Austrian food book | Austrian food book – A. Döner Kebab (Döner Kebap) from poultrymeat
Not the Döner Police, but our judiciary. So, police and office court.
There are no special police for food. Just the right police.
But yes, selling something as a döner that is not a döner would be an offence or even a crime. So there’s a case for the police.
All right then comes the Döner Police.
Absolutely no matter, the main thing is the quality.
I would certainly be willing to pay 10€ for a dungeon, he would be reasonably served, from neat and well seasoned meat, lots of vegetables, with fresh garlic cucumber and without herb.
The last diner I had eaten, it cost me 3.50 € and a drink (Dose Cola) was there.
Then you had your last diner 20 years ago. 😂
It was in summer 2009 .
When products get explosive in the price, I boycott without if and but!
It’s too long. Why don’t you eat?
3,50€ normally only costs the Döner alone and that was already cheap.
You don’t need a little money and nobody has to change.
But unfortunately it is too cheap, life has become expensive.
But whether I’ll eat one at all is questionable….
2,90 – Lviv…
You don’t get a diner for 2,90. This is not possible with veal. Wil the meat already costs more than 3€.
Here there are from 100 Hrewnja – these are converted 2 Euro 30.
Oh, yes abroad you get Döner cheaper. My statement related to Germany/Austria.
Sorry, I didn’t know you were talking about another country.
My mistake.
Without describing a standard measure for meat content, meat composition, bottle bread diameter and bread as well as a minimum thickness, it makes zero sense to talk about a price.
how it fits