Was war mit der Frau los gewesen?

Hi zusammen,

ich war mal am Hauptbahnhof auf der Bank und habe telefoniert. Da waren auch viele Menschen unterwegs. Später kam vom Eingang zum Hauptbahnhof eine farbige Frau mit Einkaufstüten raus (ca.30-35 Jahre alt). Sie drehte sich schnell zur Wand neben der Eingangstüre um, zeigte mit dem Finger auf eine unsichtbare Stelle,schimpfte sehr laut auf anderer Sprache und ging. 10 Sekunden später drehte Sie sich wieder um und fing wieder an zu schimpfen, während Sie auf die leere Stelle zeigte.Dann nahmen paar Leute nebenan etwas Abstand von ihr. Hatte die Frau Halluzinationen ? Was denkt ihr ?

Danke für Antworten !

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2 months ago

So I don’t know where you live, but the main railway station of my city (Frankfurt) is definitely the place where most patients arrive here. It’s almost impossible to run over here without encountering someone who’s kind of weird.

This is also the case at other larger railway stations. I even recognize some. They don’t seem to be doing anything other than going around with the public. I’ve seen an African in three different places. They always scream the same hot stuff. It really doesn’t seem to be anything else.

I’d assume that this is just similar in other cities. Train stations are now highly frequented by junkies, schnapps and spiders, who have one at the gossip due to their consumption. Or for whatever reason.

2 months ago

If they could have asked if everything was okay, or something. However, with a certain risk, not a few of this strain lose control of themselves…

2 months ago

I’m telling you, I think it was high.

2 months ago

Probably this woman had delusions.

Certain medicines, but also experiences that they have not processed.

2 months ago

There are people who have a tick. I don’t know how to express it differently without being mean.

2 months ago

Probably drugs or a serious mental illness.

2 months ago

Psychologically ill or nose ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️